45---Baby Ellie---

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A chapter just about Baby Ellie! This will be the start of a small group of chapters. Each child gets their own!!!

Ellie has always been a snappy, grumpy but sweet person, even back when she was still in diapers. Ellie expected everything to be done the same way everytime. She hated change and would let everyone know if she was unhappy. This doesn't mean she's rude or disrespectful, she just likes everything to be predictable and perfect.

Zoe made schedules for her little ones. It helped them get used to rules and gave them structure. Ellie appreciated this, she liked nap time being the same time everyday, she liked knowing what time she'd be eating again. If Zoe or Evan ever got busy and didn't deliver on a normality, she'd get really upset. Ellie would scream and cry until she got her bottle or snack or was put to bed.

There was one day specifically, Evan was at work, Oakley was at school and Strummer was at a playdate. Zoe worked from home that day and was in the middle of a meeting. She was on facetime with her bosses and kept her office door open to still be able to watch her toddler watch TV and play.

"We think It'd be beneficial to add easy access to the records in your offices". The boss said to Zoe

"I agree. It would be a great help to have all the information at the touch of our finger tips". Zoe nodded writing down the suggestion

Ellie looked at the clock, she didn't exactly know what time it was but, the small hand just reached the 2, meaning it was nap time. Ellie waited for her mother to come to get her but all she could hear was her mother's voice talking on and on about boring work stuff. The toddler stood annoyed and soon got fed up. She approached her mother's office stomping all the way there.

How dare she not follow the schedule! Zoe continued talking to her boss about new files and projects, El stuck her head inside and looked up at her with a scowl. Zoe made eye contact with her daughter before shooing her with her hand.

"Go play, baby". Zoe said

"Nap". Ellie growled

The mother looked at her watch and saw Ellie was correct. 2 o'clock. However, Zoe couldn't put her to bed in that moment. She whispered to her daughter.

"Go lay down on the couch. Mommy will be in soon".

Ellie looked up with anger, this wasn't how this is supposed to go. Her Mommy or Daddy is supposed to put her to bed exactly at 2 o'clock. There isn't supposed to be this lay down on the couch.

El did head back to the living room and layed down, she just layed looking up at the ceiling. She wasn't getting any sleep at this rate. Mommy's mean...

Ellie got mad, she decided she'd make Zoe regret not putting her to bed. She ran into the kitchen and looked on the counter for something she could use. There wasn't anything there, why did her mother have to keep the house spotless?!

El crawled into the cabinet to the baking stuff. There she found flower, Zoe stored it away from children's reach after Oakley got ahold of it as a toddler. Ellie however didn't want it to play with, her plans were much different. Ellie tore the clip from the top of the bag and held it completely unside down letting it cover the floor, this wasn't enough to please the child. She wanted her Mommy to know she messed up, bad.

Ellie began to make her way through the rest of the house with the flour. She covered the first floor. If there wasn't a baby gate in front of the stairs, El would've definitely taken more up there. Ellie headed back to the kitchen looking for something else to ruin the house with. Potatos... no, onions... nope, apples... yummy but useless, broccoli... gross! How did that make it past Daddy?!

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