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"Bye Mom, I'm off to guitar practice"! Strummer yelled making his way to the door with his guitar in it's case in his hand.

"Okay, see you at 6"! Zoe responded like she did everyday when he left.

Ellie ran from upstairs with her sketch book and supplies.

"I'm going to art practice, bye"! El said following Strum out the door

Zoe watched the stairs in wonder. She was hoping to see Oakley come down to say he was off to some sort of practice but she knew he wasn't involved in anything. He spends all of his time alone and just plays video games all day.

She walked up the stairs about ready to check on him. As soon as Zoe turned around the corner to the upstairs hallway, she heard him.

"Cohen, back me up, bro! He's gunna kill me with his machine gun from the main office building"! Oak yelled

"Why the heck"? Zoe said under her breath in confusion.

Like the nosy Mom Zoe is happy to be, she barged in to see Oakley sitting in front of his TV with a head set on, he was playing a video game.

"Oakley"? Zoe said

"Huh? Hold on Mom. Cohen, I'm dying over here! Bring me a first aid kit"!

"Oakley, I want to talk to you".

"Then talk, I'm listening".

"I'm worried about you, all you do is--"

"AHHH! Cohen, I'm going down! Call back up for me! Hurry, it's all over"!

Zoe watched her son frantically smash buttons while yelling at his friend through his head set. It has gotten worse then she thought.

"Can I talk now"? Zoe questioned raising an eye brow

Oakley nodded but didn't look at her, this was her last straw. Zoe plucked the game contol from the teen's hands and unplugged his TV.

"Hey! I was in the middle of something"! Oakley whined

"Well so was I, I was trying to talk to you". Zoe scowled

Oak turned his attention fully to his Mom with an annoyed expression.

"I'm signing you up for football". Zoe said finally

"W-What?! Why"?!

"You need to be involved in something. Rusty is in it too, he'll help you along".

Rusty is way youger then Oakley. He passed the school's test to be able to play football with the older kids. He is one of the best football players the school's ever seen.

Oakley was mad. Mad was an understatement, he was furious.

"The first practice is tomorrow afternoon after school". Zoe finalized

"I can't do it tomorrow"! Oakley whined


"I promised I'd be there for Cohen. We have a huge battle on our game tomorrow! We've been practicing for months"!

"I'm sure that can wait until after your practice". Zoe rolled her eyes and turned to leave

"Wait! Mom"! Oak gasped out, he hated sports, the last sport team he'd ever been apart of was T-ball as a toddler. He only played because Larry was the coach.

Zoe turned around and faced the child.

"Please don't make me.... I'm... I'm really bad at sports... they'll make fun of me".

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