1--- Oakley and Evan Plant Baby Trees---

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Evan had been looking forward to this day all week. He had volunteered to help plant some tree saplings in front of the town hall.

Evan loaded the back of his car with tools. While he was busy sorting everything out he felt a tug on his shirt.

"Daddy"? Oakley asked

"What's up, Oatie"?

"Where you going"?

"I'm going to plant some baby trees". Evan smiled

"Really?! C-Can I plant some baby trees too"?!

Evan chuckled and playfully messed up the 3 year olds hair.

"Yeah, I would love help"!

Oakley smiled wide before running to tell his Mom about his excitement. Evan finished loading everything and headed inside to get Oakley.

He found Zoe sitting at her computer doing work.

"Hey, have you seen Oakley"?

"I'M HERE DADDY"! Oakley cut in as he ran into the office decked out in random clothes he thought would help him plant.

He for some reason had a bucket on his head, snow pants and Evan's rain boots.

"Why are you dressed like that"? Zoe chuckled

"I'm helping Daddy"! Oakley declared

"I'm taking him down to plant trees with me".

Zoe nodded and continued with her work. The father and son made there way to the car.

"Daddy, will I be able to name a tree Gary"?

"Yeah, if you want".

The two arrived at the town hall. There were already some families there planting. The planting started quickly, Evan dug the holes and Oakley gently placed them inside. It was a team effort and the two were having an absolute blast.

"Evan, is that you"?

Evan turned to see Jared there with his girlfriend.

"Jared? What are you doing here"?

"Planting trees, like you. I know it's not something I would normally do but Chloe loves trees too".

Chloe turned and waved then continued to plant the sapling. The four decided to team up to plant the most trees out of anyone else.

Sure, no one else was really participating in their contest but the four still had a blast with it. Soon enough they had enough saplings planting.

"We did it, Daddy"! Oakley beamed

"Yeah, we did. Good job, kiddo". Evan praised for Oakley sticking with it to the end

Jared and Chloe smiled at the work that was accomplished.

"Good work, everyone"! Chloe laughed overly happy at the view.

(Sorry it was so short. This is just a starter chapter. There are more coming! Surprise new character next chapter)

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