39---Gender Reveal Party---

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Flashback to before Ellie!

It was so hard to wait to know the gender of their third child. With the first two, they found out from the doctor. They wanted to have a gender reveal party with the whole family.

They had a cake made and a special pinata that has the color of what gender it is inside. Because Zoe is totally against gender stereotypes, she decided she didn't want to go with the typical blue for boy or pink for girl. Zoe would choose a color for a girl and Evan would choose a color for a boy.

Zoe ended up choosing a dark purple for a girl and Evan choose green for a boy because... well... he loves trees. Connor was the only one who knew the gender, he's the one to get everything set up.

"Are you boys ready to find out the gender of your new baby sibling"? Connor asked Oakley and Strummer

"Yeah! I'm so excited"! Oakley cheered

"Me too! I hope it's a boy"! Strummer smiled

"You want a baby brother"? Connor asked


"What about you Oakley"?

"Uh... a baby brother would be cool but... I don't really care". Oakley smiled

   Connor smiled as well, Oakley's so mature for his age. Zoe was actually freaking out because she was so excited.

"I can't wait, Evan! We're only a few hours away from knowing!"

   The anticipation was killing Evan, in a good way. Connor was carrying in cupcakes, hats that said "it's a boy!" And "it's a girl!" On them, a huge balloon that has the color that Zoe or Evan selected. Connor went all out, but when doesn't he?

   The other family members started to arrive, everyone was just as excited as the parents. Connor sat back and watched the family make predictions on the gender. It made him laugh that he was the only one to actually know.

"Mommy, are we getting a brother or sister?", Strummer asked

"We're not sure yet, baby. Uncle Connor knows and soon we'll all know too"!

"Why does uncle Connor know and... and you don't?"

   Strummer is at that age where he believes Zoe and Evan know everything in the world. It's actually adorable that he thinks his parents are geniuses.

"It's a surprise for all of us!", Zoe smiled

"Oh... okay".

   That explained it! It's not that she doesn't know, it's that she's keeping it a secret, that makes perfect sense! Strummer decided on this explanation and went back to playing with us dinosaur playset.

"Okay, are we ready to do this?", Connor asked everyone, mostly Zoe and Evan.

"Yes! Oh my goodness, yes!", Zoe giggled

"Boys, come here!", Evan called. Oakley and Strummer walked to his side.

   They took the balloon outside and told the boys to pull the string as hard as they could. Evan held the balloon tightly then jumped back when it popped.

   A dark purple exploded everywhere. Zoe screeched with joy and gave Evan a tackling hug. Oakley was laughing happily at the purple confetti flying though the air. Strummer was confused.

"Sweetie, do you know what this means?", Zoe asked crouching down to him with tears still in her eyes


"We're gunna have a baby sister!", Oakley yelled as he jumped around

   Strummer started to grin slowly. He kinda liked that idea. Sure, a baby brother would've been awesome but a baby sister sounds just as cool.

"That's cool!", Strummer nodded in agreement

   Evan plopped the "it's a girl" hat on his head. He kissed Zoe's cheek.

"Our baby girl... I can't believe we actually get to meet her.", Evan whispered

   With a wide smile, Zoe looked down at her bump and rubbed it sweetly.

"I can't wait to meet her either. My sweet daughter...".


"Mom, look at this onesie. It's perfect!", Zoe giggled to her mother

   Cynthia turned to see her daughter holding a small baby onesie that said

"Be careful what you say to me, my Nana is crazy and I'm not afraid to tell on you".

   Cynthia bursted out laughing. This was actually true.

"Connor would like these two", Zoe chuckled holding up two more that said

"My Uncle made me do it"


"My uncle's a bad influence".

"Connor would definitely laugh at those! We need to pick her up some toys too". Cynthia exclaimed

"Mom, I have toys. I've had two other children". Zoe chuckled

"Yeah, but you had boys! It's your first girl! Let's a least get her some stuffed animals. Not all of her stuff should be hand me downs"!

"I guess, I don't want to just get her dolls and girly pink things. She might not like that type of stuff. You know how much I hate gender stereotypes". Zoe said

"I know, Zo. But I think it's still okay to get some girl stuff. Maybe she will like girly things. It's good to get her everything so she can pick. Maybe she doesn't want to just play with race cars and dinosaurs all day".

"I think you're just using this as an excuse to spoil her. She's not ever here yet and you're going into the pit"! Zoe laughed

"Yes. Yes I am. This is my first granddaughter! She's going to be spoiled regardless so why not start early"?

Zoe sighed and allowed Cynthia to pick out some girly toys and outfits. Soon they had a lot of stuff piled into their shopping cart.

"I'll get the rest at the baby shower. I know Connor is getting a lot of stuff. He's warned me". Zoe smiles

"I can imagine he's going to go all out". Cynthia looks to the ground with a sweet smile plastered on her face

"What's up, Mom"?

"It's nothing to important. It's just that he was thinking about how worried I was about you and Connor back when you were in high school. Now look at you guys, you're an incredible Mom to two sweet, adorable boys and soon a girl, and Connor is getting married and is so great with your kids. It seems like everything worked out".

Zoe stayed silent for a moment.

"Yeah, life was... hard back then. I never dreamed Connor and I would ever be this close. It's such a great feeling... you know, O actually get to feel what it's like to have my brother again".

"Without your husband.... I don't even know what would have happened to you or... Connor. Evan saved this family... not only had he became your other half, your best friend and the father to your children but he became Connor most dearest friend".

Cynthia's words kept repeating in Zoe's head. "I don't even know what would have happened to you.... or Connor"
Zoe didn't want to think about that either. Something tells her that her life would be significantly different.

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