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It was a nice Saturday afternoon. It was one of those days that no one was doing anything to important. Oakley and Strummer were playing video games, Rowan coloring pictures with Zoe. Ellie was... sitting in her room looking at her homework laying on her desk.

I'll do it tomorrow, Ellie thought. There's nothing making her do her work now. It was a dumb assignment anyway so why should she do it? El forgot one important detail of this weekend, it was the end of the first marking period for grades. This meant the school would be sending the grades home through the mail.

Evan headed to get the mail like he often did. There was a lot of random junk but he saw three different letters addressed from the school. He carried the mail inside and sat down by Zoe and Rowan to open them. The first one was about Oakley.

His GPA was great! It was a 89.7 which was fantastic! Evan showed Zoe the paper, she smiled wide proud of her son. Strummer was next, his GPA was even better 92.0. Then came Ellie's, her's was... less then bad. 68.5.

Evan gasped, almost all of her classes were failing. Zoe took the paper and gasped too, this would do at all. If she doesn't get her grades up, she'll fail. Zoe took the paper in her hands and headed up to El's room. She was busy on her phone, texting a friend.

"Eleanor". Zoe said entering her room

"Gr, don't call me that". El growls without looking at Zoe

"Don't give me that! Your grades are awful"!

Ellie sprung up from her bed and grabbed the paper from Zoe's hand.

"How did you get this"?! Ellie gasped

"The school sent it. This is completely unacceptable! You're almost failing everything?!"

"So?", El rolled her eyes

"Eleanor! Knock off the attitude! You know what?", Zoe extended her hand for Ellie to give her, her phone

"That's not fair!", El whined

"It is fair, I'll be taking that", Zoe took the phone from her hands.


"You will get it back after you get your grades up".

"You can't do that!", Ellie pouted

"Why can't I?", Zoe challenged

"Well... because... uh...., How am I supposed to talk to my friends?!"

"You can call them on my office phone."

"This is so not fair! Just because I baked inside of you for 9 months then popped out... doesn't mean you have a right to do this!", Ellie growled

"Oh honey, you didn't pop out. I was cut open for you. Also, after 9 months plus all the years after of, feeding you, changing you, bathing you, taking care of you, and---

"Okay! I get it...". El rolled her eyes

"You can do it, sweetpea. I believe in you". Zoe said before walking out with El's phone in her hand


That night, Ellie sat at her desk studying her U.S. History notes.

"John Quincy Adams, son of Johns Adams who was the 2nd president of America. John Q Adams got into office because of a scandal. He payed off Clay, to make him president. This made Andrew Jackson really mad...". El read out loud already about to fall asleep.

"This sucks!", Ellie said under her breath

The girl was so mad at Zoe, she wanted her phone back, she didn't want to sit and study. After a whole 20 minutes of reading notes, Ellie fell asleep. The woke up around 3 am with her whole body resting on her desk.

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