4---Lost At The Fair---

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"Are we there yet"? Strummer asked for the tenth time that minute.

"Not yet. We still have a hour left. Sit tight, sweetie". Zoe said back to the whiny child

Oakley was watching videos on Evan's phone and Ellie was asleep finally. The ride was snug that's for sure. Evan's car wasn't the families ideal way to travel when all of them were going but, Zoe's van was in Connor's shop getting fixed.

Strum fidgeted in his car seat uncomfortably. He never was a fan of the car. The 4 year old was about to throw a fit if he couldn't get out from the restraints of the car seat and fast.

"Mommy! I'm board"! Strum whined again

Zoe frowned as she looked back at the grumpy child. He scowled at his mother showing he's had just about enough of this sitting stuff.

"We're almost there, just hang on a little longer. You've been so good so far, don't ruin it". Zoe warned sweetly

Strummer sat back again and crossed his arms. When they get to this fair, he better be able to get a cool stuffed animal from a game or something.

Ellie stired in her car seat. She didn't like the loud noises coming from her brother. When El is upset, everyone knows it. Finally, the family arrived at the state fair grounds.

Evan found a parking spot in the absolutely gigantic lot. Zoe went from one child to the next unstrapping them while Evan pulled out the stroller.

"I don't need that"! Oakley stated proudly referring to the stroller

"That's right, you're a big boy now". Zoe said messing up the boys hair playfully

"Well I'm not"! Strummer smiled widely plopping down in his seat in the stroller.

The stroller was made for three kids previously. Two toddlers and one infant but because Ellie is 2 now, she needs to sit in the toddler part now. Oakley is 8 so he will be giving up his spot for El.

Evan started pushing two of his three children to the entrance. Zoe followed behind with Oakley's hand in hers. There were people everywhere...

"Look the tea cups"! Evan pointed

"You should take Ellie on that, she'll love it". Zoe said taking El from her seat.

"Yeah, let's go, Ell-a-bean"! Evan smiled taking the tiny person from his wifes hands.

"Mommy, look! Lemonade"! Oakley gasped

"We'll get some when Daddy and Ellie come back, okay"?

"Okay! I want pink lemonade"! Oakley gushed thinking of the sugary flavor

"Not me, I want yellow lemonade"! Strum smirked

A few minutes later, Evan returned with a giggly baby in his arms.

"Turns out, she loved it". Evan laughed

Oakley then tugged on Zoe's shirt.

"M-Mommy? My feet hurt". He frowned


He nodded looking up at her with a sad look on his face.

"Okay, I'll carry El for a little bit. You can ride in the stroller". Zoe caved

Oakley immediately climbed into one of the two seats and smiled up at his Mom. Ellie lay her head on Zoe's shoulder as the family set off for the lemonade.

Everyone got there own, even Ellie. There were cotton candy hung from a string on the same food truck. Ellie reached up wanting some of the pure sugar.

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