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Undertale:Toby fox
Underswap:Popcorn pr1nce

Nightmare's pov

I seemed to have distanced myself form everyone
They have all tried to talk to me
I ignored them
No matter how much they try they fail ive been spending most of my time in the library reading books
I cry evey now and then
It's not that I hate Christmas
I more fear it then hate it
Id do anything not to have a bad Christmas
I just want to have one good Christmas with dream thats all i wish
But the way ive been acting its probably to late
"Now what?"i say out loud
I could look at the orb thing and take notes
Yeah i think im going to do that
I put down my book and quietly walk down stairs
"Where are you going!?"mint yelled
I turned to see all of my friends even dream1 behind mint
"Get'em!"mint yelles
I turn and run
I head outside and hind in a bush
I hid my fast breathing
What are they even thinking!?i think
I see the hole where the orb would be and dive in
I run to the room where the orb was
I sat down by it and try to think over what happened

Its been almost half a hour since they chased me
I remain in the same room
I start to hear whispers
"Come on"one says
"Your going to fast error"the other one says
Thair i know it was my friends
Or what i call friends
"Nightmare!"error yells
I jump back
Ink was looking at me
They where all looking at me
"We got'em"mint says
I step back unsure what i was doing
Mint pulls out a camera and takes a picture of me
The bright light hurts my eye sockets
I fall backwards on the orb thing
A sudden serge of pain washes through me
I scream of pain not as bad as the first time i felt the shot but this hurt
My screams turn glitchy
"Brother!?"dream1 yells
Then everything turns black

nd all i hear is glitchy scratcheness

Nightmare's Nightmare[Finished]Where stories live. Discover now