"What are you up to Nando?"

"Will you marry me? Will you become missus Alonso?"


Him leaving the sport wasn't voluntarily. He much rather stayed in Formula One, but he didn't get the chance to prove himself. It was unfortunate, he had had a great season, he was only outshone by his teammate. 

It didn't mean there was any bad blood between the two however and you smiled as you looked at your boyfriend who wrote a text on one of his helmets directed towards his former teammate. He showed it to you and you chuckled. 

"You need my approval for something personal you are writing to your friend and teammate?" Marcus now also chuckled. "But come here, I'm curious." He handed you the yellow and blue helmet and you read the small text on the side. 

It's been a pleasure this year mate! Kick ass at Ferrari. Win that bloody championship.

You smiled at Marcus and put the helmet down to hug him tightly. 

"You know, some say people that Formula One is a sport for jerks. You have the talent to become a world championship, I just think you are way too sweet." Marcus laughed and kissed the top of your head and pulled you - as far as possible - even closer to him. 

"Maybe that is where I should improve then, I need to learn how to get a bit more mean." You pulled back and looked at the Sweed wide-eyed. 

"Not a chance there mister! I like you for your personality, sweetness included, no way I'm going to let you change that." 

"Well, for you I won't."

Stoffel Vandoorne:

"Vandoorne!" You yelled as you ran down the stairs. "What the hell are you doing?!" You laughed, turning off the stove as the fire alarm went off. "Make it shut up!" Stoffel quickly took a chair to stand on to turn off the fire alarm. 

"I was making pancakes." Stoffel pouted. 

"I wouldn't exactly call it making, I would call it attempting to make and failing to do so. All you made is ash." Stoffel was about to protest, but you shook your head with a smile. "I love you." You put your arms around his neck. "This has nothing to do with pancakes being your favourite comfort food, does it?" Stoffel remained quiet and you kissed his nose. "You are going to kick ass and show them what you're worth, I don't doubt it."

"We'll see." 

"No, you'll do so, I'll watch succeed." Stoffel huffed. "Don't even start." You stopped him from arguing. "You have just had a bit of misfortune having Fernando as your teammate and being in a team dealing with reliability issues."

"Still we'll..." 

"Okay, I'll make you pancakes!" Stoffel started to grin. "Yes I just gave in, I know you were after that." You took the scrunchie you had around your wrist and tied your hair back. "Now open that window, the smell of your version of pancakes makes me gag." Stoffel's laugh echoed through the kitchen, making you smile. 


With Brendon now officially being dropped from the team, the two of you were currently both free from any obligations. You were either way, but with Brendon now also without a team, the two of you could go wherever you wanted. The two of you laid on the couch and watched a movie. Even though you were still in Abu Dhabi and the weather was amazing, you prefered to stay inside. 

"You know, I always wanted to go to Canada." You mumbled. "But then not like the cities and stuff like that, but the Rocky Mountains, close to Calgary." Brendon chuckled. 

"Are you trying to say something?" You looked at him, an innocent look on your face as if you hadn't said a word about your currently number one on your bucket list.

"No, it just popped up in my head." You returned your attention to the tv. The scenery of the movie suddenly shifted from the busy roads of Vancouver to the Rocky Mountains, how convenient. "Look at how gorgeous." You said in awe. "That would be so spectacular to see with your own eyes." Brendon laughed and put the movie on pause.

"Okay, what are you up to, you picked this movie, knowing they were going to the Rocky Mountains, you keep bringing it up..."

"I want to go there." You gave in. Brendon sighed and shook his head. 

"I knew it..." He mumbled. "You have been going on about the place for a while now. Not as noticeable as now, but still I noticed." You grinned, it had worked. "That's why I got these." He opened his phone and searched for something, but within a few seconds he had found it and showed you his phone. 

"Oh my goodness!" You exclaimed in pure delight. "You bought tickets to Calgary!" Brendon looked at you with a lovingly look in his eyes. 

"That's right. I'm taking you to the Rockies." 

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