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daniel sat restlessly on the plane. he was lucky enough have a whole row to himself, yet still could not get comfortable.

he sighed as he sat up to look out the window next to him. the sun was now setting early. the sky was mixed with beautiful shades of blue, purple, and even orange. everything around him was peaceful.

he closed his eyes with a smile on his face as he thought of corbyn. he thought about how if he was sitting right next to him on this plane, he'd talk about wanting to see the stars. oh how daniel loved corbyn's passion for stars.

daniel woke up from his short nap feeling the plane rock around. he glanced over towards other rows seeing them with their life vests on. a wave of fear ran over daniel as he quickly found his and placed it over his shoulders.

he looked back into the other rows, trying to find his parents. "mom?" he quietly whispered as he looked around. he saw no one.

he quickly pulled a pen and a brown leather notebook out of his bag. he opened up to the next clean page and began writing.

'corbyn, my baby. i love you so, so much and i never wanted to leave you. if you're reading this, i'm gone. the plane malfunctioned and we went down. i never wanted you to be alone, but i promise i will always be watching from above. as the plane falls, i see all of the stars around me. they're the only things keeping me at peace because i'm thinking of you.
we'll meet in another life, please wait. i'd always wait for you. i love you so much, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘴𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘮.'

as daniel held the book close to his chest as he shut his eyes, he felt the impact of the plane hitting the land beneath him. the pilot had missed the water and now there were only three survivors on the plane. keri seavey, jeff seavey, and anna seavey. their loving son and brother had not made it.

just one week later, daniel's family had flown back for daniel's funeral. as police inspected the scene of the crash, they had discovered daniel's notebook. written on the front in big letters was 'give to corbyn besson.'

keri immediately took it back home, ringing corbyn's doorbell with the leather book in her hands.

corbyn opened the door and was immediately brought into a hug by keri as she held him tight. still hugging, keri slipped the book into corbyn's hands. "this was what was left of him. i'm so sorry honey, he's gone." with that sentence, keri left.

corbyn stood in the doorway, confusion laced upon his face. he opened the book. there were many blank pages, yet only one filled. he opened up to the page and read.

tears fell down his cheeks as he finished. he wrapped the book tightly in his arms as he cried. "i will always be your solar system. if i could've had one last hug—" corbyn broke off into sobs. little did he know, daniel was already standing there, his hands wrapped around corbyn.

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