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that night, corbyn stood in front of his mirror, fixing himself up to look at least a little bit decent. he was clad in black skinny jeans, a blue champion long sleeve, and doc martens to top it all off.

corbyn was proud of what he was wearing. he hasn't dressed this nicely since high school graduation. smiling proudly, corbyn walked downstairs to greet his mother and father who stood by the door waiting to go to the seavey's.

"oh honey, you look so handsome." corbyn smother cooed as she brought him into a hug.

"it's just an outfit, momma."

"son, this isn't just an outfit. it looks like you're going on an expensive date. i've gotta say, you look better than me." corbyn's father spoke, causing corbyn to chuckle.

"alright, let's go!"

after all of the events that had happened in the past with his father, corbyn had pushed himself to become more confident; just a little bit. him and his father were now on good terms and had quite a playful relationship.

the ride to the seavey's household was very short. it had only been a ten minute drive filled with laughter and very, very bad singing. corbyn was content and had forgotten about his nerves; that is, until he reached the front door.

corbyn took comfort in pushing himself behind his mother protectively, yet unnoticeably. as he watched keri open up the door, he was near frozen.

"hello! you must be corbyn, i'm daniel's sister, anna." corbyn was pulled out of his thoughts and soon realized that he was in the living room.

"uh— hi anna." corbyn politely smiled as he fiddled with his fingers nervously.

"you know, daniel talks about you quite a lot."

"all good things, i hope." anna nodded as he was led into the kitchen where daniel and his father sat.

"corbyn! come sit next to me!" daniel called as he waved his hand. corbyn laughed as he took his seat next to daniel.

"how was lunch with your friends?" corbyn asked, his nerves vanishing as he felt content with daniel by his side.

"ugh. they're annoying. they wouldn't quit talking about their love lives." daniel ranted.

"i saw that tall one flirting with tatum. are they together?" corbyn asked as keri brought out plates of food.

corbyn quickly glanced around at the food on the table, realizing that he didn't like any of the food that was offered. not wanting to be rude, corbyn spooned noodles onto a plate. he cringed as he placed the food down, quickly replacing his grimace with a smile as he listened to daniel.

"they should be, but jonah needs to grow a pair and ask her out already." daniel spoke as he looked to his mother.

"mom, i don't like any of this." daniel spoke quietly.

"oh, i'm sorry sweetie. if you want, you can go find something else. i know you already ate earlier anyway." keri spoke, silencing the table.

saskia looked over to her son's plate of noodles, realizing that he hasn't touched it.

"are you planning on eating that? i thought you didn't like them." saskia spoke, the whole table now looking at corbyn.

"i didn't want to be rude, momma." corbyn spoke quietly, as he didn't exactly enjoy all the attention being on him.

"corbyn, why don't you and daniel go to the kitchen and find something else? if you want you can go up to his room and play video games or whatever it is that you do." jeff offered.

corbyn nodded as he handed his plate to his mother, knowing that she'd eat it. he followed daniel into the kitchen as he walked to the cupboards.

"we can have oreos." daniel offered.

"sure." corbyn spoke simply.

the two began walking up the stairs and into daniel's room. his room smelled of roses and was littered with records hung on the walls. corbyn admired daniel's love for music as he sat on the bed.

"i like your room." corbyn smiled.


the room was filled with a brief silence. daniel sat down next to corbyn as the two waited for the other to talk.

"you know, i'm so glad i decided to go to the museum that day." daniel sighed.

"why's that?"

"corbyn, you're a ball of happiness. when i'm with you, i feel so happy and amazing and— corbyn. you make me feel things i've never felt before. i love being with you and hanging out. even if it's only for a few minutes. i enjoy every talk with you. i know you've never really experienced—"

corbyn cut daniel off with a passionate kiss. although he had no clue what he was doing, daniel sure as hell thought corbyn had done this before. as the two pulled away, daniel spoke.

"corbyn, i want you to be mine."

"then i'm yours."

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