Preparing For A New Enemy, Part 2

Start from the beginning

Tara jumps down into the scene armed with her weapon of choice in gun form before pointing it at Christopher who dodges the gunfire attacks from the bullet sent flying at him as E rushes into the scene and starts kicking at Tara who counters all of E's kicks with her own to block and counterattack against all of them before she throws seven punches at her with Christopher blocking the attack head on with his forearm much to Tara's anger as she throws three more punches directly at Christopher who blocks the attacks with his forearms again.

"Aw, giving up already, Tara?" Christopher asked tauntingly thus making her furious.

"I am not done with you yet Christopher Jones!" Tara began, "I'm not working for Adam Rouge at all, I am a solo assassin!"

"Then prove it," Christopher said, "I've got nowhere to be, Tara."

Tara is clearly furious as she begins shooting more bullets at Christopher who blocks all if them with his weapon of choice in sword form as he quickly blocks the bullets before slashing his sword at Tara who loses her balance temporarily and blocks the attack with her sword blade as she gains the upper hand temporarily before she becomes rather cocky in the fight.

"Once you get tired I will end you." Tara said with an evil smile on her face.

"Then come and get me you coward." Christopher said calmly with an evil smile.

Christopher quickly kicks at Tara who loses her balance again and this time she falls before backflipping away from the gunfire shot at her from E who had recovered just enough to begin her attack on their common adversary much to Tara's own surprise as she begins to counter all of the attacks before she kicks E into the wall thus knocking her out cold temporarily as Tara kicks at Christopher and her first three punches are all blocked by a sword blade as Tara slashes at him in anger only to miss her mark unintentionally.

"What is this?!" Tara asked before being punched in the face knocking her onto the floor.

"Karma at its finest." Christopher said with a smile plastered on his face.

Tara grows more shocked and is equally as furious about the situation she's in as she turns to a recovered Adam and Flame who both glare at her angrily.

Tara has a flashback to before the fight even takes place just as she murders An Embers in cold blood.

"When were you planning on telling me about that?" Geo asked in disappointment.

"This was my business and not yours." Tara explained.

"Nobody needed to die today."

"That went against everything I had set up you were supposed to convince her to join our side not murder her in cold blood, Tara!" Adam explained in sheer anger.

"You don't know just how easy I had made it for you to rule the entire world starting with this entire continent," Tara ranted. "Your revolution will skyrocket!"

"I'll see to it that your punishment will be assigned to you but be grateful that your punishment won't be so severe." Adam said with a visible frown of disappointment.

"But just so you know: this was my business and not yours!" Tara finishes before hanging up the call.

Back to the current fight between the sides of Christopher and E vs. Tara Ris, Adam and Flame are glaring at Tara who looks back at them concerned.

"What do we do, Adam?!"

"This is your business and not mine," Adam repeated mockingly, "Fix it by yourself!"

Tara glares furiously at Christopher and E who in turn draw their weapons in sword form before Tara charges at E who sidesteps her as Christopher draws out his sword.

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