Act 15: Mercury & Saturn

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*Sailor Europa's POV*

As we ran through the tunnel, there was a massive release of explosive energy that knocked us back and down onto the ground. I stood quickly and I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, something was terribly terribly wrong.

"We have to go back." I stated and began to run back towards the chamber where we had abandoned Sailor Nibiru, Felicity.

"What's wrong Europa?" Sailor Charon called to me, but I kept running. They would follow me.

I ran and ran and ran until we had returned to the entrance to the chamber, we entered cautiously and I choked on the thick smoke that blanketed the chamber. The place seemed to be completely obliterated, but by what?

"EUROPA NATURAL DISASTER, WINDS!" I used my attack to clear the chamber of all smoke, and I immediately regretted doing it so quickly.

My heart shattered.

Sailor Nibiru was sprawled across the ground, surrounded by dirt and rubble. Her body was in dangerous positions and she obviously had multiple bones broken, there was blood everywhere.

"FELICITY!!!!!"I screamed a blood-curdling scream and ran to her broken body, Charon and Mimas followed.

Her body was as pale as her hair and when I gently touched her face, it was freezing to touch. I was too afraid to move her body since it was damaged so heavily.

"Nibiru... What happened?" I asked... There was no response. "Please wake up Felicity... Tell me what did he do to you?"

"Sailor Nibiru... Please wake up!" Charon yelled, and I could tell she was distressed.

"I-It wasn't..." Nibiru finally spoke.

"What? It wasn't what?" I questioned, immediately relieved that she was still alive.

"It wasn't... Lucifer." She began to choke and her speech was slurred.

"Wait... What do you mean it wasn't him?" Sailor Mimas spoke up.

"It was a diversion..." Nibiru took a breath and began to groan in pain. "... A soul eater."

"We should've known... Obviously King Lucifer wouldn't risk having to face the four of us in heated battle." I exclaimed. "But... What did he do to you?"

"He.. D-didn't... Didn't do it." Nibiru said, and I was made confused.

"What do you mean?" Charon asked.

"I used a very powerful... powerful a-a-attack on... on, on him." Nibiru stuttered between screams of pain. "I don't have much more time..."

"Oh my god..." I croaked and tears began to stream down my face.

"L-listen to ... me." She managed to grasp onto my hand with her disfigured fingers. "Tell the senshi of this time what has happened... They will help you."

"But we aren't supposed to interfere with them..." I said, and Sailor Nibiru began to shake.

"Forget about that..." Nibiru stated. "T-tell... Pluto..."

"What?! Tell Pluto what?!" Charon urgently said.

Then, something very strange began to happen... Sailor Nibiru began to fade away like she was nothing, it was almost like her body was flaking away into nothingness.

"What's happening?!" I cried.

"My soul.. d-d-destroyed." She croaked. "I love you all."

I couldn't resist any longer, and I grasped her body and held her near to me. I didn't want her to go, and I still didn't completely understand what was happening. I brushed her hair from her eyes and held her close, she was becoming warmer but she was still fading away.

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