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  • Dedicated to Naoko Takeuchi

Thousands of years before The Silver Millennium, there was a planet that orbited outside of where Pluto orbited. It was known as Nibiru, or Planet X to some. It had a beautiful kingdom and was a giant forest planet, the King and Queen were very proud of their daughter, Princess Felicity. A few months before her sixteenth birthday, she was given a transformation wand which would change her into Sailor Nibiru, the Sailor Scout of planetary creation and destruction. She was also given a court of her own, three guardians of hope, peace, and love.

The kingdom was at peace, and was as prosperous as ever. Princess Felicity became very close with her guardians and they loved each other dearly. They were instant best friends. They would always be together, they would train together, attend parties together, and would have sleepovers every night at the royal palace nestled in the centre of The Great Nibiruean Oak Forest.

But the peace would not last forever, mysterious things began happening on the planet. One evening, on Princess Felicity's sixteenth birthday, there was a great shake that was felt all over Nibiru. Shortly after this great shake, mysterious beings started to appear all over the kingdom. People began to suddenly die, like their soul had been ripped from their bodies and devoured. The Sailor Scouts of this planet started investigating the source but couldn't seem to find out where the mysterious creatures were coming from. Then, the deaths stopped and the stress and fear began to go away once again. Until the Queen is murdered, her soul ripped away from her body. The people of Nibiru become terrified and all hope, peace and love is lost. The great evil is quickly released, the soul eaters. They savagely tear the planet apart until all souls are devoured, including the three guardians of Princess Felicity.

After losing all hope, Princess Felicity transforms into Sailor Nibiru and tries to use the Nibiruean Crystal to destroy the planet, to prevent the great evil from travelling to other life-filled planets. Due to the crystal not being charged with Sailor Souls, it backfires by opening a wormhole through time. Sailor Nibiru and the soul eaters are absorbed into the wormhole and Sailor Nibiru is brought to 30th century Crystal Tokyo, where King Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity rule. The soul eaters make their way to the 21st century and begin wreaking havoc against the Sailor Scouts of the past. Nibiru is knocked off orbit due to the force of the backfire of The Nibiruean Crystal and is left behind to be a hostile, cold, lifeless rock floating through space.

Felicity, Sailor Nibiru, has lost memory of her guardians and who she was. The Nibiruean Crystal was shattered and lost too. All she knows is that she had guardians who died for her, and that she was a guardian herself. She must now find the strength to discover her true destiny and to undo the mess that she has caused, and to find The Nibiruean Crystal before it's too late.

Next: Act 1 - Felicity Evermore

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