Act 10: Sailor Charon

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We were all silent, but I felt my throat and vocal cords strain against the stress of having to find a way to defeat this creature. I couldn't find the strength or courage to move, something told me that if either of us even took a step back it would attack. But Sailor Mimas broke the seal.


A large ray of purple light impaled the soul eater but it regenerated itself. I could tell that it was infuriated. It reached for us and we jumped, tucked and rolled. It started savagely smashing it's fist everywhere trying to crush one of us, but we were too fast for him.


Sailor Europa sent a whirlwind of nature towards the massive soul eater and it swallowed the attack and spit it back out at Europa, she tried to evade it but was sent crashing through a window.

"EUROPA!!" I screamed, the soul eater turned it's attention to me and snarled.

It jumped towards me and I sprinted to the right, hopped onto a desk and jumped over the creature to the other side of the room where the broken window was. I looked out quickly but couldn't see Europa anywhere, I began to worry. I turned around and the mammoth of a creature towered over me. I peeked past it and saw Sailor Mimas running towards it, the soul eater simply kicked her back into a wall where she fell limply onto the floor. The monster grasped me and lifted me off the ground, it laughed and I could swear I thought I heard screaming coming from inside it's mouth.

"PUT ME DOWN! NOW DAMN IT!" I demanded, but it's grasp tightened around my slim waist.

"Souls for King Lucifer...." It whispered and licked it's rotting teeth. The stench coming from inside it was revolting and my stomach went in knots.

"Why does he need souls?! What's the purpose of all this?!" I questioned, straining to breathe.

"Nibiruean Crystal... Power..." It whispered again, so sinister.

My heart was pounding and I was at a loss of what to do, I couldn't free my hands so I could attack him and Mimas and Europa were knocked out on the ground. Then, the gigantic soul eater bent it's knees and leaped through the roof and out onto the street. I twisted around enough to manage to see Sailor Europa thrown over a bush like a limp vegetable. I ached all over not knowing if either Europa or Mimas were still alive. The large creature ran down a crowded street, I could hear people screaming and trotting along on the ground.

The soul eater suddenly came to a halt and lifted me into the air, it slung me and I went spiralling through the air. I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting a quick death when my fragile body met the pavement. But I landed into someone's arms, I was too terrified to open my eyes because not knowing whether or not I was alive was petrifying.

"You're good, kid." A mature and stern feminine voice whispered in my ear. Her grasp on me released an aura of love and compassion that made me never want to leave, but then she simply dropped me onto the rough pavement.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" I yelled and stood back up on my feet while rubbing my head.

"Don't be such a baby, we have bigger problems to resolve." She stated. She had long dark green hair that reached to her bottom, she also wore a garnet red bow in her hair which was similar to Europa's pink bow and Mimas' black bow. Her fuku colours were brown and garnet red, brown being the main colour. She was taller than me and seemed to be taller than the other girls, she was very mature looking and seemed to be older than us.

The mysterious new Sailor Scout ran past me and faced the giant soul eater, then the other scouts of this time showed up on the scene. Sailor Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and even Tuxedo Mask himself.

"Agent of planetary orbit, the pretty sailor suited soldier Sailor Charon! In the name of Charon and the mother planet Pluto, I will punish you!" She announced and finished in a battle stance with her legs crossed and her hands at her sides.

"CHARON ORBITAL OBSTRUCTIONS!" Sailor Charon sent a cloud of small asteroids flying towards the soul eater at impeccable speeds, they all punctured it and it looked like a walking slice of Swiss cheese. "Finish it, Nibiru!" Charon urgently yelled back at me.

"NIBIRU SOUL DESTRUCTION!" The soul eater let out a ferocious roar as my attack hit it and it quickly dissipated into nothing. I felt full of gratitude, and then I suddenly remembered Europa and Mimas. I began running with all my might back towards the abandoned building. I looked beside me to see that Sailor Charon was following, I couldn't find it in me to say anything to her.

A sudden relief flooded through me when I saw Mimas and Europa limping towards us, I embraced them and hugged them so tightly that they both winced.

"Who are you?" Sailor Europa questioned and the three of us stood studying Sailor Charon.

"My name is Setsuna II Meioh, daughter of Queen Pluto. I've been sent to aid the three of you on the mission to save the future. Our relationship will be strictly business so if you try to hug me like that I swear I'll snap you all in two." She exclaimed with a faint smile.

"Okay then..." I sighed and we turned and began walking towards the hotel in our civilian forms, Setsuna was following closely.

Next: Act 11 - Doubt and Jealousy

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