Act 12: Maverick Aino-Son of Venus

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I now knew that it wasn't time to surrender. The scouts weren't the enemy, King Lucifer and the soul eaters are and we need to work together to defeat them. I shot from the water and a blinding light shined from my tiara and my chest. I stayed hovering above everyone, rays of light where shining from all directions from my body. I stared down at Mimas, Europa and Charon and they glared back at me in disgust.

"CHARON ORBITAL OBSTRUCTION!" A span of space debris originated from Sailor Charon's hands and came spiralling towards me. I did not fear, and I stayed confident in knowing that I was their leader. I simply concentrated on my love for them, a deep internal love that was hidden and I could barely reach, but I found it. The debris was absorbed by a barrier that now surrounded my body.

I opened my eyes. "I am Felicity Evermore! I am Sailor Nibiru! I am Princess Felicity of Nibiru!" I felt a warmth in my chest that began to grow hotter, and then I was startled by a beam of golden light that shot up into the sky from the other side of the city. I could feel it's warmth and its positivity into the core of my bones, my heart began to beat fast and my chest tightened. I felt a sudden urge to run to this light, whatever it was, and I suddenly forgot about where I was and what I was doing. I slowly hovered back onto the ground and landed gracefully. "If you don't want to follow me, then that's fine. But I have my mission to concentrate on, and right now there's something happening and I have to do something about it." I explained to them, their eyes were different and it scared me, I ran past them and started making my way towards the origin of the beam of light that distracted me.

I ran for what felt like hours, until I came to a giant football field. I ran like a savage into the middle of a football game, my sailor suit still half damp from being in the water. I searched desperately for a sign of what I was looking for, but I knew I couldn't give up. I looked back at the doors I entered, and the other scouts were quickly following me.

"STOP!" Sailor Europa screamed, glaring at me. "Don't. Move."

"What is wrong with you guys?! Why must you be filled with so much hatred?" I questioned.

"Well considering the fact that you cannot correctly lead us, I think we have a right to be hostile." Mimas exclaimed, confusing me further. I took a moment to study them, they weren't being theirselves at all. Their eyes were glass-looking and glazed over and their attitudes were completely flipped.

"I don't understand! I'm sorry if I did something that you don't agree with, but I need to know what it is so we can resolve the situation." I said, trying to make things better but it didn't do much.

"You're supposed to be dead." My heart shattered as the words slipped from Sailor Europa's mouth.

"... What?" I croaked.

"He destroyed your family and your kingdom." Charon stated, "and he'll do it again. So don't try and stop him."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I screamed. Then, I knew... They were referring to King Lucifer. I look at three of the girls and I was startled by their eyes glowing a strong red colour. Then, there was a flash of dark smoke and King Lucifer appeared.

"They're referring to what happened nearly five thousand years ago." His sly voice sent shivers down my spine. "The flames and shadows of hell invaded and destroyed your kingdom."

"Stop it! I don't believe you!" I yelled, I could feel the warmth returning to my chest. "NIBIRU PLANETARY DESTRUCTION!"

I sent my attack towards King Lucifer, and he quickly raised his hands in the air and Europa, Charon and Mimas lifted off the ground and I screamed. He used their bodies as a shield, and threw them back to the ground. "I won't be needing you three stooges anymore." With a wisp of his hands three dark orbs of energy left their bodies and returned to King Lucifer's hands.


"Watch your tongue princess, or I'll be sure to cut it off and feed it to my servants." King Lucifer snapped. "Take this!"

My brain wasn't able to register what happened next, but some sort of energy slammed into my body and sent me projecting towards the other side of the football field. I felt someone holding me, and protecting me. The warmth from this person made me feel like I was home, and at peace. I managed to open my eyes, and my heart fluttered and I felt stress on my chest. He was a gorgeous blonde man that was styled nicely, and his eyes reminded me of the ocean.

"Princess! My love! Please wake up." His voice was low and masculine, so handsome. Then, I realized what he has called me and I sat up quickly.

"How do you know?..." I questioned, moving away slightly.

"Felicity... It's me, Maverick from Crystal Tokyo!" He said, but still didn't ring any bells for me. "Oh no... You can't remember..."

"I'm sorry... But I can't remember much." I stated, and scanned my surroundings, we were in some sort of hotel room. "Wait... Where's King Lu-" I covered my mouth not realizing what I was about to say, but it was too late.

"I used a charm my mother's friend gave me, it drove him away and I brought you here... Hoping you would remember me." Maverick looked so distraught and sad, and oddly enough it made me feel awful.

"I'm really sorry... But I have no idea who you are." I said.

"Well, I think it's time you remembered everything." He suggested, and I was in complete agreement.

"WAIT." My heart stopped. "Where's the girls?!"

"They are in the other room, and they're all fine. Don't be such a worry wart babe." He laughed and I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"... Why did you call me 'babe'?" I asked, adjusting my odango.

"I'm sorry. Force of habit... But we must go now."

"Go where?" I questioned.

"You'll see, the other senshi will be joining us. You'll soon be back, my princess." He exclaimed, and it scared me that I was about to "remember" everything about my past, things that to me, never happened.

A few moments later, Koto, Setsuna, and Rina came into the room and they all gave me a big hug. I could no longer fight the tears, and I let them fall. I was so relieved that they were okay again.

"We are all, so so sorry." Sailor Europa sighed, she was crying too.

"It was so weird, it was like one day we were fine and then the next I we all felt so angry." Sailor Mimas exclaimed.

"It's the dark power of soul eaters..." Sailor Charon said.

"I guess now we'll all learn the truth." I sighed, standing up.

"We're heading to the first grounds you walked on in this time space." Maverick stated as he put on his shoes. "Follow me."

He brought us to the exact place where I appeared, and it creeped me out how he knew where I spawned. He told us all to hold hands and concentrate on our powers. A light began to shine brightly from my chest again and I felt the warmth.

"Quickly! Get Felicity inside the circle." Maverick ordered and they released my hands and I stepped inside, Europa and Mimas joined hands again and then the light flashed and we began to slowly but surely float away.

Next: Act 13 - Memories Return

*Authors note*

I wanted to apologize for taking so long to update!! I've had over 400 people read this story and that makes me so happy! It would be nice if I could get some feedback from you :) thanks!

~Sailor Nibiru

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