Act 7: Sailor Mimas

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A few weeks past and we were after fighting many soul eaters, luckily without losing anyone. I was beginning to get a feeling that it wouldn't be this easy forever. My biggest fear was that something would happen to the other scouts before we got the chance to get to King Lucifer to destroy him. We also had a few other encounters with the other scouts, and each time I managed to keep my mouth shut even though they had so many questions. I couldn't involve them anymore than what they were already involved. When Sailor Europa and I do find out where King Lucifer is hiding out, we will go to destroy him without them.

"Do you think we'll ever find him?" An exhausted Koto questioned, we hadn't slept for two days now.

"With every soul eater we destroy, a step closer we get to completing our mission." I exclaimed, rubbing my tired eyes.

"What happens after that?" She asked, with the saddest look in her eyes.

"Well... What has happened to my planet cannot be changed so there's no going back for me." I sighed, an ache formed in my heart. "But we'll always be friends, no matter what."

"Best friends." Koto-chan corrected me, and embraced me. Her warmth surrounding me, she was my best friend and I was so thankful for everything she was doing for me.

We sat down by the water front and Koto began running calculations on the sample from the soul eater she had collected alongside Sailor Mercury. "Isn't it weird how we know everything about them, but they know nothing about us." Koto stated, as her fingers tapped the keyboard of her tiny computer.

"A little I suppose... But it's for the best." I yawned, exhaustion was beginning to take over.

"I miss my mom." She sighed, and her fingers stopped. "I'll never forget how she disappeared right in front of me."

"At least we're working on getting her back." I said. "I'm my case... I will never see my mother again."

It was all beginning to hit me, I would never see my sweet mother or my dashing father again. I felt as if I was being torn in half. I've tried to not think about it but sometimes it's hard not to.

"You've never really told me about yourself thoroughly." I laughed, scratching my head.

"There isn't much to tell... My name is Koto Kino, daughter of Makoto Kino, Sailor Jupiter. I'm fifteen years old and I am second heiress of the throne of Jupiter, alongside my sister Mako Kino, Sailor Ganymede. And then my sister Komo follows me in line, Sailor Callisto. Then my brother Dakota is last in line and he's the soldier of Io. My father was banished a long time ago, my mother never told us why and she hates to talk about it." She ranted.

"Well, you're a princess! That's cool, I was a princess too. My name is Felicity Evermore, I am sixteen years old... I'm Sailor Nibiru, I was a princess. My mother was Queen Altagracia and my father was King Patroclus... I'm not sure about siblings." I thought hard, but couldn't remember having any siblings.

"That's neat, maybe you can go back to being a princess after all of this." Koto smiled.

"I don't know about that..." I laughed.

"I will seriously make my mom adopt you!" Koto laughed and we both bonded much more.

After a bit more chatting our stomachs began to grumble. We hadn't ate for a few days now and we weren't coming up with any leads. "We need to get something to eat." I said, rubbing my stomach.

We got up and began to walk back to Rei's temple, we were still staying there now and eating and sleeping there, but we were trying to stay away more because of suspicion. We walked to the temple and Rei was sweeping the grounds, and seemed to be very busy. "Hello Rei-chan!" Koto cheerfully said.

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