Act 1: Felicity Evermore

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I awaken in a strange place, in a strange bed. My mid-calf length pure white hair is in a spangled mess all around me, and I feel nauseous. I sit up to see a dresser across from me with a mirror, I study myself. I have brown eyes and I'm slender, nothing special. I have cuts and bruises all over my body, and someone must've dressed me into this white nightgown. I get out of the bed and look in the dresser and I find clean clothes, presumably for me. I put on the black skinny jeans, the bright red t-shirt and a white cardigan. Then, the bedroom door cracks open and a tall woman with long blackish-dark green hair walks in. She's wearing a sailor suit, she's dressed like a Sailor Senshi! "Hello young one." She said in a stern but soft tone.

"Hi." I managed to say, not really knowing what else to say really.

"My name is Sailor Pluto, do you have any idea what happened to you?" She asked, stepping forward and placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I tried to remember what had happened, but when I concentrated I could only see bits and pieces of what happened. I see a forest, and a great palace that I call "home". I then see three friends, or guardians... "Hope, peace and love." That's how I remember them. Now I see a great darkness covering this forest, and the palace begins to crumble. The three guardians disappear, and so do I.

"Um... No... I can only recall bits and pieces of what ever the hell happened." I explained, Sailor Pluto gave me a concerned look, "Where am I?"

"You are in thirtieth century Crystal Tokyo, planet Earth." She smiled lightly. I am still so confused, I don't know where I came from and I definitely still do not understand where I am now. "What's your name, honey?" She asked.

"Princess Felicity Evermore." The words spilled out of my mouth like a running waterfall, and I didn't even understand what I was saying. "Wait... What?"

"Listen to me. Somehow, you managed to fall into a wormhole through time. I don't know how it was opened, and I don't know where you came from. But I think some of your memories may be altered, and some may even be lost. I know you're really confused right now, but you're going to have to come with me." She signalled for me to follow her, and I did.

She brought me down a long hallway that was made of crystal, to the left the entire left wall was glass and see-through. We had to be up a few storeys, because I could see an entire city. The odd thing was that everything was made of crystal. From the buildings, to the bridges, the streets, absolutely everything. We stepped into an elevator and began the descent to the ground level, I had to ask, "Where are we going?"

"We're heading to the crystal palace, I have to discuss all of this with the royal family and the rest of the court." She said just as the elevator doors opened.

We walk down a long crystal pathway and I don't really pay attention to my surroundings because I just can't figure out what happened to me. Why would I say that I'm a princess? I know I saw a palace, so maybe I am a princess of whatever or wherever that palace may be. Maybe I'm just a crazy person. I concentrate harder on the three guardians that I remember, but the more I concentrate the more I get an awful, depressing feeling.

We finally arrive at a giant crystal palace that towers over the rest of the city. We enter and walk down a long hall and open two giant doors, then we enter what I guess is the throne room. I finally look up from the ground and I see a man in a suit with fading black hair sitting on a throne. I peer next to him and I am immediately dumbfounded, her beauty is just breathtaking. A woman, at least in her early twenties, sits on a throne. She's wearing a long white gown with what appears to be a wing-like fabric attached to her back. Her hair is golden and in odangos with two long ponytails that reach far past her legs. She wears a crown, and sits tall.

"Good morning, Sailor Pluto." She said, her voice just as beautiful as she is.

"Good morning your majesty, I have brought you a... Well... I don't know what she is." Pluto looked at me and gave me a half smile.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" The beautiful woman said maternally.

"Felicity. Felicity Evermore." I stammered.

"Nice to meet you Felicity, I am Neo-Queen Serenity." She stood, "and this is my husband, King Endymion."

"It's an honour to meet you both."

"My queen, we have a major problem. This girl somehow got here by travelling through time. She has lost her memories, and I don't know what could have came through with her." Sailor Pluto exclaimed, in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean? How would she be able to do that?" Serenity questioned, sitting back down.

"That's the problem... I have no idea how she could have opened the time continuum. She doesn't even know." Sailor Pluto stated.

That's when the two giant doors behind us opened, and a voice said "we're back!" I turned around to see who it was, but there were four of them. Four beautiful girls, in sailor suits. They must be sailor soldiers too, they walked so gracefully in a line and I began to feel a lonesome feeling in the pit of my stomach. One girl had long hair black as coal, her sailor suit was red and purple and she had a fiery look in her eyes. The next girl had short dark blue hair, but she was cute. Her sailor suit was blue and an aqua colour, she moved so gracefully almost like a flowing river. Another girl followed who wore her brown hair in a ponytail, and her sailor fuku was green and pink. She reminded me of someone, and it made me feel so lonely. The last girl was astoundingly gorgeous, with long blonde hair and a cute red bow. Her sailor suit was orange, yellow and blue. She reminded me of a goddess.

"Girls! I've missed you so much! How was your trip?!" Serenity hopped up from her throne and ran to them, she wrapped her arms around them and embraced.

Then it hit me. I fell to my knees and tears began to flow from my tired eyes. I fell back and he memory surged through my body. I was looking down on myself, and three other shaded figures, but I knew they were my guardians, my best friends. A great darkness surrounded us and attacked. It was the soul eaters, I turned and I was instantly transformed into a Sailor Scout. I was Sailor Nibiru, and I was thrown back by one of my guardians. I looked up and watched helplessly as their souls were ripped from them and devoured... They turned to stone. My heart felt as if it had been crushed and torn to bits. Everything went dark.

Next: Act 2 - Queen Altagracia

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