Act 9: Crystal Tokyo

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The problem was, was that I wasn't quite ready to wake up from wherever I was. And to be honest, I didn't even feel asleep. I could sense darkness around me and I was still able to move so I had to still be roaming. Then, there was a flash of light and I found myself on a giant platform floating in space, it was the space-time corridor.

"Sailor Nibiru." A familiar voice said, I turned around it was Sailor Pluto! "I am not really here... Just a mere reflection of the person you met in Crystal Tokyo."

"Pluto... What's happening to me?" I questioned, feeling a cold breeze brush against my legs.

"Your mind and your heart are in conflict. Your mind is in a search for who YOU are but your heart is in search for your friends and family. That's what's causing your flashbacks and blackouts." She exclaimed.

"Where are we?" I asked further.

"You are currently nowhere, in a void. I brought you here." Pluto stated.


"It was the only way I could communicate to you and I needed to show you something urgently." She said, and waved her garnet rod and it spewed out a bright light that I had to shield myself from.

Once my eyes adjusted and weren't harmed by the light, I opened them. My jaw dropped and I felt hollow, a feeling I was all too familiar with. It was Crystal Tokyo, but at the same time it wasn't. The sky was completely dark, no stars and no moon. The crystal streets were filthy and no longer shining, I looked on to see if I could find the crystal palace... And then it hit me, I looked down to the ground and looked around me. Pluto and I were standing in a massive steaming crater, where the palace once stood. I was horrified to look up and see people on the streets petrified as stone, I looked up to see debris floating in the sky and atmosphere. But I realized it wasn't only debris floating... There were people floating too, people who died before their souls could be taken. I suddenly felt sick and I remembered that this is exactly what my planet had looked like after they broke free.

"Sailor Pluto... This is just awful." I whispered, I began to shake like a leaf in the wind.

"This is our future... At the moment." She sighed, I looked to her and her head was down.

"I have to change this." I said, clenching my fists.

"You all have to. This can't be it for us, this planet and this universe. For years we have fought the most ruthless enemies to safeguard the people of this universe." She exclaimed, rubbing her temple. "Queen Beryl and the dark kingdom, Wiseman and the dark moon clan, Pharaoh 90 and the heartsnatchers, Queen Nehelenia and the dark moon circus, Sailor Galaxia and Shadow Galactica."

"Yes, I know. And now we will face King Lucifer." I added. I looked to Pluto and saw she was slowly fading away. "Oh no... Now I'm going to lose you too..." I cried.

"Just for awhile..." She smiled, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I believe in you."

Then, she simply blew away in the wind like dust. She was gone in an instant. I was all alone on the dark and cold remnants of planet Earth. It was heart wrenching to see and experience, and to know that because of me this place has been altered and they had to go through the pain of losing each other.

I didn't know what to do, I tried to will myself to leave and go back but I just couldn't. I was so confused, did someone else have a bone to pick with me?

"Princess Felicity!" A voice called, and I turned around. A petite teenage girl with pink hair was running towards me, she was wearing a white tattered and stained gown.

"I don't think I ever met you." I stated, as she stood in front of me.

"My name is Lady Serenity, but everyone calls... Or called me Rini. I am the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion." She spoke as gracefully as her mother.

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