Chapter 3

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Neil was standing in his room and thinking about his conversation with commissioner.

Flash back.
Commissioner and Neil were in lonely in the cabin. Commissioner shared all the information which shocked Neil very much. He couldn't imagine what will happen if he enters in that place.

Looking at Neil shock face commissioner starts to speak.

Com : Neil I know this is going to difficult for you but this is whole city who life is in danger. I know you are worried about your wife's condition if she will get to know.

Neil : I can't be imagine what will happen but sir is there any way to this problem.

Com : I am afraid this is only one way to solve this. I have selected you because you one of bravest officer. I believe you will risk your life just to save whole city who is danger.

Neil : sir I understand our city needs me but what about my wife who is already suffering from lose of our parents. She only has me who is her life. I am not backing up from this mission but i can't give her all the pains. I will proceed this mission but I have request.

Commissioner looks on him.

Com :what request. Neil I know you will be successful in this mission.

Neil : i want Avni shouldn't find any clue about my case. I will tell her but the Main reason should be between me and you sir. I can't give her stress thinking my life is danger. It humble request sir.

Com: Neil don't make guilty of selecting you for case. I don't want to you and avni should be through this pain. I know you will makes us proud. I always have considered you and avni as my son and daughter. You know after my parents deaths we found you and avni. I won't let any scratch on you or Avni. I know this difficult but never give up.

Both had tears remembering their days.
Neil stood up and hugged him.

Neil : sir we also grateful to have you both. Without you we are nothing.

While they were talking didn't realise some one is at the door.

Flash back ends.

Neil was still thinking when he felt hand on his shoulder. He turned to his Avni sanding with tray of two cups of tea with some snacks.

Avni puts tray be side her. Took sit next to Neil.

Avni : Neil I know you will not say but please don't worry about this. I know you worried if your new case.

Neil : Avni I don't want to hide it from you but situations is that I can't even tell you. I don't I know who Told you about agreement which I don't know what you are taking about but don't listen to others.

Avni goes back to her thoughts.

Flash back.

Avni was doing all her house chores and decide to make lunch for Neil.
She took one hour to prepare his favourite dish. She got ready and left for police station.

(anyone knows about Neil being police officers. It is secret between Avni, Neil and commissioner and his wife. Also there is one person who knows about Neil being officer is best friend dd who is Acp. Neil is Ips officer)

Avni walked in and saw dd. She Walked to to him and ask about Neil. Dd showed Avni the way and after showing he left. Avni was get inside but stopped hearing Neil voice.

The conversation of agreement between Neil and commissioner.

Neil : sir I am ready for this case but I have one agreement to make.

Com : what the agreement.

Neil : sir you already know this case in risky and danger for those officer and whole city. If I have been chooses for this then I am sure there is no war that they will leave me. Sir hope you getting what I mean. I am saying this case is very dangerous which can risk my life along with colleagues who is with me but I am sure I will save whole city and my colleagues but any chance I don't survive then please sir look after my Avni. She is most important person in my life. I know I am braking my premise of leaving her in this world but this is. Not in my hand. Sir I can't be perfect husband, son but at least I can become best officer who died for his country. I don't want Avni to know this and I also know she will die if she find out my life in danger. If she finds then she will risk her own which I don't want to.

Neil had tears in his eyes.

While Avni heard everything and Tears were continuously falling her eyes. She couldn't believe it herself. Before she could hear anything she left from there.
She went room and cried.

Flash back ends.
In dark room with many equipment.

Boy : we need to place this bombs very soon. Tomorrow is last day to prepare all this. This time there should be no mistake.

Boy2 : this time no one will come between this.

Boy 3 : this time whole city will be destroy.

They all laughed.

Wish you very happy birthday Innocent_soul101 god bless you. Always stay happy and keeping writing amazing stories. Lots of love❤️❤️😍😍💗

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