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This was by far one of the most nerve-wracking things I had done in my 4.6 billion years of existence. I stood at the opening of Asgard's great hall, dressed in a gown of swirling dark grey. To an onlooker, the dress appeared to be made of cloud and chaos and yet its' fabric felt like any other fabric.

In front of the throne stood Loki, looking just as nervous and happy as I was. Wearing a black suit with touches of gold and green, my future husband truly looked like a king.

Rona fell in beside me, having offered to walk be down the aisle, cueing the music and beginning my walk. With each step I was relieved to have a bouquet to hold, made of white and black roses threaded together by gold.

My other bridesmaids were the obvious choices; Discordia, Dysnomia, and last but not least, my maid of honour; Natasha. Hades watched from his seat with a massive grin, pride sparkling in his eyes as I moved gracefully towards my fiancé. He had settled well into the role of King and things had certainly changed since we defeated and imprisoned Zeus. The Danaides were gifted immortality, forgiven. Their father had after all ordered them to kill their husbands and his word was law. If Aphrodite hadn't stepped in on their eldest sister's behalf, then she would have been killed for the treason of refusing to kill her husband.

After what seemed like an eternity I was standing in front of Loki, filled with immense joy as we made our vows. Then we kissed, both relieved that this was all over, that Zeus was defeated.

We could be happy, finally.

"I'm surprised everyone is behaving so well, I thought they would have let their hair down by now," Discordia remarked, coming in to stand by my side. Smirking at the party at bent in closer to her.

"They've all been bribed and threatened, I told them I'd lock them in a room with Justin Bieber and One Direction songs playing on repeat until they went insane." My sister laughed at my words before pouting.

"Why am I not being bribed?"

Bumping into her shoulder gently I took a drink of my champagne before replying, "Because you're my sister and our mother will flay you alive if you do."

"True." Eris and Frigga had been a force to be reckoned with for the past few days and had truly created an event that would go down in celebration history as one of the best.

"So, when are the maid of honour and the best man going to tell stories?" I groaned at Discordia's question, shifting on my feet.

Just as I went to reply a bell chimed, telling everyone to head to the dining hall. "Apparently now." We both laughed at my statement before moving towards the hall.

As we did, Loki came over, putting an arm around me.

I kissed his lips quickly, still filled with joy at the fact we were now married.

Once inside dining hall, I noticed Natasha and Thor doing paper, scissors, rock for first speech. Thor won, and I laughed.

Loki leaned into me curious on why I was laughing. "What happened?"

"Thor is doing his speech first," I answered, causing my love to groan.

"Oh joy," he sarcastically said, sitting beside me at the head table. Silence fell as Thor stood up, smirking at his adopted brother.

"I would like to begin by congratulating the newlyweds, may their marriage long and joyful," Thor paused, shifting his feet before continuing, "my mortal friends have recently told me that the best man often tells stories about the groom and I must admit in the case of Loki, it was difficult to find the right tale." A few Asgardians laughed at their Prince's words, obviously knowing of the stories Thor was referring to.

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