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When I woke up, hazy memories of Rona holding me down and Asgardian healers working on my wounds flooded my mind along with a tenderness of my skin.

Opening my eyes, I looked around only to find the healer's room empty. Where was Discordia and Loki? Sitting up I let out a gasp when my being flickered, looking down I noticed that the reactor was off, it was a miracle it hadn't been damaged seriously by the blast but it had been beneath my armour.

Standing up off the bed, I almost fell back down, lightheaded I made my way through the palace, where was everyone? At Loki's room I quickly found the reactor cores, taking the device out of my chest I let out a sigh of relief when it flickered back on in my hands.

My being flickering again, I practically slammed the reactor into my chest, taking a deep breath as its power ran through my veins. Though the device did bring side effects it was allowing her to stay alive.

"Atë, you're not supposed to be out of bed." I jumped at the feminine voice of Frigga turning to the mother.

"I needed to change the arc reactor's core, I was flickering between life and death," I replied, walking over to the other goddess. "Where is everyone?" Frigga fell silent for a few moments giving me a concerned look.

"Dear, you should go back to the healer's room, you're still healing," she said, avoiding my question, something that set my nerves on end, my worry growing.

Giving her a solid look I asked again, "where is everyone?" My words slow as I waited for Frigga to buckle.

"You won't be of much assistance in your condition, you are healing Atë." I then realised where they were, they must have all decided to pick up the remaining Avengers. Frigga must have noticed my change in emotion, moving to block the door. "Dear, Loki didn't want you to get hurt," I let out a growl, teleporting past the Queen, shifting from normal clothes to my armour, arming myself with the twin short swords.

"Frigga, your sons and my friends have gone back to Earth where my father, Ultron and HYDRA are waiting. The reason they are in Asgard is to bloody protect them! I'm sorry Frigga but Loki can shove as sword up his ass if he thinks I'm going to let them go by themselves. Why did Discordia go? She's injured!" Poor Frigga was trying to keep up, putting a hand on my shoulder as we practically ran through the palace.

"Atë, control your anger, we both know what happens when you don't control your rage, you've been angry a lot recently and I don't want you to go over the edge." I knew what she meant, my darker side could come out when I was mad but I could control it, I was better at that now.

Turning to the mother, I pulled her into a hug, "Frigga, I can control myself far better than I could then, besides, I'm stronger angry." Not wanting to prolong this loosing argument, I teleported to the Bifrost dome only to see the look of Heimdal's face as he guarded the portal.

Groaning I looked up at the dome's roof in annoyance, "Heimdal, let me pass. You know as well as I do how stupid their plan is."

"Frigga and Loki have given me the order to not let you leave Asgard," Heimdal told me, his golden eyes watching as I began to pace.

"Can you at least tell me how they are going?" I asked, nervously biting my thumbnail.

He looked to the right, staring out at the universe, "They're fine, the Barton family is just getting some things together. The house is surrounded by a force field, they'll be fi-," he suddenly stopped, frowning before grabbing hold of his sword.

"What? What's happening?" I demanded, watching the guardian a sick feeling growing in my stomach.

"I believe Ultron has deactivated the shield and HYDRA has sent a convoy of vehicles and jets. Your father has also sent a beast, it's nearing the borderline of the property," I cursed, my hands tightening on the black swords.

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