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"Wake up bitch, it's your first day of school!" That was how I woke up, Loki groaning beside me at the loud sound of Angerona's voice.

"Go away," I groaned, throwing a pillow at the Roman, nuzzling into Loki.

"You don't want to be late, you'll have to be well-behaved or Mr Goody-two-shoes won't talk to you," the sheets were pulled off Loki and I causing the god to pull me closer, refusing to open his eyes.

"It's too early," He groaned getting a loud scoff from Angerona.

"Let her go and you can go back to sleep," looking up at him, I watched a smirk stretch over his mouth.

"Loki," I warned, glaring at Rona.

"Atë, she's right. Besides Rona, I need to be awake to send her off," Loki sat up, in the process pushing me up.

Glaring at them I stumbled out of bed, entering the bathroom and quickly doing my makeup and covering the reactor with a glamour.

Rona pushed an outfit into my hands, while Loki claimed the bathroom locking me out.

Looking down at the outfit I nodded, grey sweater, black ripped jeans and cat socks for my ripped jeans. After getting changed and lacing up my boots I grabbed the back pack waiting for me.

They both walked with me to the Bifrost portal before Loki kissed me goodbye.

Until I got Peter back to Asgard I would be stuck on Earth. Great, fates help me.

I had gotten one of my contacts on 'Midgard' to get me an apartment near the school and prepared it for me, with a brief from Angerona of course.

The sun was rising above the city when I appeared and a building top, that way I had time to sort everything out.

A problem however, was that Heimdal didn't seem to understand that planting a portal on a building top in a city with SHIELD, HYDRA and the Avengers was not a discrete mode of transport. My contact was waiting in the coffee shop across the road so I was very aware of Stark landing, looking obviously confused on why someone teleported into the city.

"Talk about a subtle arrival," Tom remarked, smirking across from me when I arrived. The brunette often travelled and had been an acquaintance after I saved his life from a nasty Greek monster; he was a half-blood, a demigod.

"Shut up, did you sort out the apartment?" He nodded.

"Yep, here's the keys. I'll pick you up after school and show you the apartment," Tony, now annoyed that he missed whoever had entered the city (me), entered the coffee shop, sitting near us as he typed away at his device. Tom slid the keys over to me and I smoothly pocketed them.

"Hey, did you see who landed on that building?" He asked, stepping up to our table.

"Uh, no Mr Stark," Tom replied nervously as the billionaire frowned at me.

"Have I seen you somewhere?" I shook my head just as another voice spoke up, this one internal.

'Looks like someone's back,' Ultron spoke evilly.

"No sir," I answered pulling an American accent. Tony deflated slightly. Then I realised why I looked familiar; I looked like a younger version of the skin I had used to steal the reactor (a short Japanese girl with natural black hair pulled into a messy bun and hazel eyes).

"Okay then," with my hearing I heard Stark tell Jarvis to compare me to the thief and watch my activity.

'Nice new identity, Auria Robin,' Ultron muttered as I sipped my cup of coffee, Tom watching the hero go.

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