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"My Lord, Heimdall is requesting your presence at the Bifrost, there seems to be a problem," A messenger informed me after he bowed.

Seeing as I had just finished a session with a powerful lord, I teleported from the Throne room to the portal.

"You asked to see me?" What was this about? Had something happened to Atë.

"Zeus has made contact, asking that Asgard joins him in blocking all the heavens from those on Midgard," Why was the head of the Greek Parthenon doing this.

"What would he gain from closing the gates to his own people?" Heimdall frowned, his all-seeing eyes gazing over the galaxy.

"I believe he is trying to stir trouble for your beloved. He thinks that trapping the immortals down on Midgard will anger them and blame Atë for their predicament," There was no way I would be assisting Zeus, I may not know all he did to Atë but I did know that she still held hatred and grief from it.

"Instead of closing the gates, open them to any who wish to stay here," Pausing for a moment, my emerald eyes looked out at the universe, "How is she?"

Heimdall smiled, "She is hidden with an old friend in the European Alps, Atë has learnt of the reason why you have not come to her yet. I would not be surprised if she asked to enter Asgard," A smile made its way to my features at the thought of her coming to his realm.

"Who is her friend?"

"Roman Goddess of Secrets, Angerona. Their relationship is...interesting but they are now just friends and Angerona respects that. She has already demanded to be a bridesmaid if you marry," I wonder what exactly Heimdall meant by interesting, "In what matter was their relationship interesting?" Heimdall raised an eyebrow.

"My lord, you know the Romans and Greeks are different, the two of them were lovers until Atë in fear that her father would hurt Angerona. Gender means very little to them," I knew of this, the rift of what was the norm.

"I trust her." Heimdall nodded, his shoulders straightening ever so slightly.

"It is rare that a goddess of her heritage stays so loyal to a partner," Atë had not talked much about the inner workings of that part of Olympus and I wondered what she had grown up around, even she was conceived with someone other than her father's wife.

Turning back to the topic at hand, my emerald eyes scanned over the Bifrost, "Send out the invitation and make sure that she and her friend receive it. I will understand if she wishes to stay well hidden." Heimdal nodded and sensing the conversation's end I returned to the throne room.


Zeus was angered by some of the rejections he received from different heavens, it seemed Atë was growing in both support and as a threat.

Technically a bastard, she been the beginning of decline in Hera and His marriage. He should have listened to Hera when she demanded the child be thrown of Olympus.

A mix of god and something more ancient had created a powerful spawn, Zeus had seen her as an opportunity, a weapon until Hera had insisted on the infant's death. But it was too late, Hades had grown a liking for the raven-haired babe and stole the child before Zeus could kill her.

He had tried again a few years later but the child had learnt to protect herself and grew in power with each passing year.

Now millions of years old, the goddess was a threat to his rule, especially when his people seemed to be supporting the dark goddess.

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