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Though almost immortals were unable to pass between the gates of Mount Olympus, such restrictions did not apply to Zeus.

The King changed his godly form into something more mortal, an average and uninteresting form that was certain to not grab attention. He was tired of his eldest daughter and her rebirth only stirred more hatred from her terrible father.

Zeus had also realised that perhaps it was time to work with other enemies of Atë and the Avengers she cared about.

Loki was near untouchable for now and Asgard would surely know by now of the trickster and his daughter's love

From the point he appeared at Zeus smirked at the eight-headed hydra painted on the wall, these mortals would be very helpful.

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I didn't want to move. It felt so good to just lie in Loki's arms, ignoring the sense that whispered of something big to come.

Nuzzling into his chest, I let out a breath, looking up to his face realising that he had been watching me.

"I've missed this," he mumbled, his chest vibrating as he spoke.

I nodded in agreement, "me too."

Loki's arms pulled me closer, "how long do you think we will have before Zeus takes vengeance?" He asked causing me to groan, I did not want to be talking about this.

Pulling out of his grip, I sat up on my side, running a hand through my now short black hair, I had returned it to normal before we went to bed as it would not affect the overall shape of my body (obviously). "My father will most likely do one of two things; he will attack and go big or he will plot and try a method he hasn't already."

Loki frowned, sitting up as well, his hair longer than mine now even with its natural slight curl, "what hasn't he done to you yet?" I pondered the question before coming up with a few options.

"He's never sent me to Tartarus, he hurt you or the Avengers, there are plenty of things he hasn't done," Loki didn't look happy, a frown creasing his forehead. Then I remembered something and continued, "how is his support going? I am starting to think he fears that I will continue the line of Greek rulers. Not that I would willingly join that circle. I mean Kronos killed his father, Zeus imprisoned Kronos, it's a vicious cycle that I wish to steer clear of," he nodded.

"At least I don't have to worry about that here in Asgard. As for your father's support, most of his power comes from fear, people seem to be growing in support for you." How times had changed, I used to be hated by most of Olympus, feared by most humans. Sighing, I decided that my stomach required food and I needed to face the day.

"I guess we should face the day. I'm sure you have things that you need to do and it seems I have to prepare to face my father's next trial," Loki groaned, resting his head on my shoulder, a soft huff of air fluttering against my sensitive skin.

"Must we? I was really enjoying this." My stomach voiced its opinion, impersonating a t-rex from Jurassic Park in intensity causing Loki to chuckle, "I take that we must, your stomach might try and eat itself." Removing his head from its rest on my shoulder, the god I loved moved out of bed, pulling on an undershirt much to my disappointment.

"Are you familiar with Asgardian dress standards?" He asked as I stood from the bed, giving him a look to communicate how stupid of a question that was before sassily snapping my fingers, immediately dressed in a black and bronze armour set similar to those worn by warriors like Lady Sif.

My twin babies stayed in a magical place because they tended to draw attention.

"Might want to tone down the sass," Loki joked getting a smirk from me.

"Oh, surely you know by now that this is toned down," After that, I walked up and kissed him before walking to the door, "come on, I have the stomach to feed and stuff to sort out." Gods I enjoyed being back with him, but as I said, there is some shit that needs to be dealt with.

We decided to eat breakfast in the palace garden in a recluse corner where we could chatter over food contently. That was until a gleaming guard pulled up on his white horse in front of us, "Lady Atë, Heimdal requires your presence, he believes that your friends may be in danger." Cursing under my breath I stood up, what? Couldn't I have more than a morning without something going wrong?

Standing up Loki followed, grabbing my hand, giving the guard a quick nod and teleporting us to the Bifrost.

Heimdal was staring out over the cosmos when we arrived, his multicoloured eyes falling on me, "your father is working with a human organisation; HYDRA. I believe he intends to harm the Avengers and Loki with their help," I cursed holding onto Loki's hand tighter.

"Do you know when they plan to begin?" Heimdal frowned, once again looking over the universe, I couldn't help but wonder what exactly he saw. "They will most likely pick them off one by one; the Avengers seem divided at the moment, issues between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers." Looking over to Loki he shrugged.

"I only hear what Thor tells me and from what he's been telling me, he has been spending quite a lot of time with Jane. He did inform me of a new member; Spiderman?" Hadn't I seen something about him on television, I had put it one while I worked on the reactors, I liked background noise.

"Who is Spiderman really?" I asked, newbie would be an easy target for HYDRA.

"His real name is Peter Parker, he lives in New York with his Aunt. Sixteen years old." Really, they hired a literal child. Dear Gods.

Turning to Loki, I sighed, "we need to come up with a plan together," looking to Heimdal I added, "if anything changes summon me, please." The guardian nodded, boy all this shit better end soon, I'm getting tired of all these problems, Tartarus would almost be better.

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