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A day after Atë permanently borrowed Stark's older reactor core material, the billionaire had a meeting with the maintainer of the Miami headquarters and decided to head down so he could see if the mansion site was worth rebuilding.

"Good morning Mr Stark, I trust your journey was comfortable?" Mr Hughes greeted walking with Stark to his office.

"Not too bad, anything happened since last time?" David tensed sitting opposite to the hero.

"Actually, on a routine check of the storage units we found that G-7 has been emptied. As you know, that unit held the materials from your original reactor core. Video footage shows one of the receptionists showed a woman the unit, but the video cuts off." Tony was shocked and confused; why would anyone want the materials for the old design?

"Show me the video? Has the receptionist been questioned?" David nodded pushing a tablet over for his boss to view the footage. Stark immediately noticed something about the possible thief; when they spoke, the receptionist listened and even in the recording the voice was powerful and persuasive.

Why would a powered person be stealing the materials for an outdated reactor?

"What did the receptionist say?" Mr Hughes sighed.

"Both of them remember seeing her enter yelling at an UBER driver. They turned her away, neither have memory of escorting the woman." Images of both receptionists came up and Tony remembered them; they both had perfect criminal records not even a speeding fine.

"I think we are looking at a powered thief, I will report to SHIELD. Can I see the brunette, Miss Marven?" David stood up and let his boss to the room where Miss Marven was being held.

Upon entry, the billionaire noticed the signs of crying on her face. He knew she was innocent but he wanted to know as much as possible.

"Miss Marven, I would like to ask you a few questions?" The brunette nodded straightening up from her slouch.

"Of course, Mr Stark." Sitting down, Stark let out a sigh feeling somewhat sympathetic to the receptionist.

"What do you remember?" Her eyebrow furrow as her hands clasp each other.

"She entered giving her lift the finger and coming up to our desk. Then she asked us where storage unit G-7 was, we refused knowing it was classified. She got annoyed and stormed out." Using the tablet Stark accessed the security camera behind the desk.

"Did you notice anything strange about her?" Miss Marven shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Mr Stark that is all." Her hazel eyes were tearing up slightly and with a muttered thank, Tony left the room watching the video outside.

Like in the prior clip, the woman seemed to be extremely persuasive. It cemented Stark's opinion; this had been no ordinary thief.


A week later...


Once returning to the mortal plain, which took five days, I set to work constructing the reactor. While Tony had been using his as a magnet to keep the shrapnel away from his heart, mine would be used to power me meaning the design would have to be adapted to suit.

Hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult nor too long, I did not want to have to use another source of energy. According to Ultron, Stark had caught on to the robbery and was now trying to find the thief.

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