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During breakfast I thought more about proposing to Atë before eventually deciding that I would pay a visit to Asgard's best jewellers.

Before I left Atë informed me that she going to do some training with Discordia, Natasha and Rona, kissing my left cheek prior to running off towards the training rink.

When I arrived at the jewellers, the owner; Arianna greeted me warmly, the tall brunette beauty waving a hand and putting a kettle on the fire to boil. The reason she was so successful at her trade was because the young jeweller was a witch.

Her works were beautiful, and most were charmed to give the wearer luck, wealth and protection amongst the many charms. Arianna also made the occasional decorative weapons, some of which I owned. They were strong, perfectly balanced and near indestructible.

"So, why have you come? Are the rumours I hear true; that you have fallen in love with a goddess?" Arianna said, giving me a bright smile as she set the now made tea in front of me. We were seated in the design room, surrounded by works in progress and hand drawn plans.

Unsurprised that the Asgardian gossip mill was turning once again I nodded, "the rumours are true, as for why I'm here; I am thinking of proposing to Atë; the goddess mentioned previously." The witch's face lit up at my words, she loved weddings.

"How exciting! Do you have anything in mind?" Maybe I should have thought about such things before I entered Arianna's store.

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"So, what's your big plan?" Rona asked, watching as Discordia taught Natasha a new sword trick.

A small smirk graced my lips, "what makes you think I have one?" Fiddling with the dagger in my hands I looked to the Roman goddess beside me. "I find plans often go array, not much point creating something so organised in the sea of chaos surrounding my present and future," Eyeing my sister I bit my lip lightly, "I don't even know the allegiances of my own sister."

Angerona let out a sound of shock, eyes widening at my statement, "she's your sister Atë, why are you questioning her allegiances?"

For the goddess of secrets, Rona was good at acting. "You might be the goddess of secrets but I'm the goddess of lies and illusion; there's a reason you've been spending so much time with her," I paused, Angerona letting out a sound full of shock and admission, "it must be hard; holding the secrets of the world, unable to help those you care for discover vital truths."

Rona's shoulders slumped, "what made you suspect your sister?"

Natasha laughed at something Discordia said, taking up a fighting stance before I replied, "Why would Zeus release my sister so easily? Besides, we haven't heard her so much as speak about Aaron since she came to Asgard. Of all people, I know the lengths someone will go to, to protect the ones they love," taking a breath I paused, emotions shooting through my mind like shards of glass, grazing wounds that refused to fully heal through any measure of time, "that's why I haven't told anyone my plan, in fear that she will tell Zeus."

Rona let out a short burst of laughter, "Atë, we both know that your sister's loyalties isn't the only reason you haven't told anyone of your plan; it's risky and I worry how those around you are going to cope." Her hands fiddled, if it had been earlier and less tame times I had no doubt both of us would be smoking or drinking. "I will have to leave before your engagement party; a goddess like me can't get caught up in your plan."

"Can you at least take care of Loki and the others after I fall. I can't let Loki see me embrace my darker urges, it's hard to even explain how worrying it is to hear her whisper into my mind, pulling me into memories I would rather not visit." Natasha was now fighting Discordia, both women poised with swords in their grasps. "I'm going to visit my mother as well, she'll want to know about my engagement and might help you care for Loki and my friends." I loved how with Angerona I didn't have to explain my plans; they were secrets and therefore she already knew them.

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