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It seemed that all of Asgard had come to the engagement party, joyfully drinking and dancing in the great hall of the palace. Not a single person seemed upset or sad, Loki and I receiving many compliments on how great of an occasion the party had become.

Throughout the evening we barely left each other's sides, dancing or simply standing near one of the walls. Our outfits matched, black and gold being the theme for my gown and his robes.

The Avengers were spread out, enjoying the night just as much as the Asgardians.

"I wish this moment could last forever," Loki said, a genuine smile covering his lips as he looked over the party. Wrapping my arm around his waist I nodded.

"As do I. Your mother has truly mastered the art of event planning," my reply earnt a chuckle from Loki as somewhere in the hall a group of Asgardians cried out, congratulating Steve for winning against Thor is a drinking competition.

Taking his eyes off of his adopted brother, Loki stepped in front of me, offering his hand. "My Love, will you grant me this dance?" A new song had started playing as I nodded, placing my hand in his before Loki swept me out onto the dancefloor.

A light-hearted laugh left my lungs as he spun me around in time to the joyful symphony. Entranced by the music and the god in front of me, I forgot about the threat of Zeus, of HYDRA and of Ultron. In that wonderful moment all I thought about was Loki, how much I loved him and the assurance that I would forever remember this beautiful moment.

But like all amazing things, the seconds dripped by and the brief period of euphoria ended with an almighty bang and glass shooting through the air as all the hall's windows smashed.

The smile of my and Loki's faces fell, and screams filled the palace room. My hand reached out for Loki's while the other clenched, touching the precious rings on my fingers.

"Why are people always so dramatic." I froze at the voice of my father just past the wall in front of me where Asgardians stared in horror at what awaited outside. Foreseeing what Zeus was about to do, I raised a hand pushing people back just before a blast of energy created a hole in the palace's wall.

Olympian guards flooded in, swords raised as they protected the god in the centre of their formation; Zeus.

Odin called for his guards as the Avengers moved through the terrified crowd towards Loki and I, catching Zeus' eyes.

"Ah, the Avengers, just the mortals I needed." Asgardians moved out of the way, not wanting to invoke the wrath of the Lightning God.

Leaving Loki's side, I summoned my blades, standing protectively in front of my friends. "If the blocks on Asgard weren't an obvious enough clue; you are not welcome here father." Zeus clenched his jaw at my words, clearly angered by my words.

"Oh, but every father should be at his child's engagement party." My fists clenched on the twin blades in my hands, anger flickering inside of me.

"You are no father to me, you lost that name when you tried to drown me as an infant, when you killed my husband and children." It seemed the times for talking was over as Zeus nodded to the guards who surrounded my friends, Loki and me.

Natasha stepped forward to attack one of the guards, but I raised a hand stopping her. "Let's not turn tonight into a bloodshed, Zeus has the palace surrounded." It seemed I was right as said god smirked, pleased with himself. He thought he had won already but the true victor would be shown in time.

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