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A guard came and informed us that someone had used the Bifrost, spiking my anxiety. With little hesitation I volunteered to asked Heimdal who had used his portal and why he had allowed them, perhaps even find them if need be.

Teleporting I swiftly arrived at the portal where Heimdal waited. "Who did you allow to pass through the Bifrost?"

Shifting his stance, the guardian answered, "Atë, she needed to see her mother about an important matter." Why hadn't she come and see me? I would have left Odin's dreary council if she wanted me to.

"Send a guard and inform my father, I wish to follow my fiancé." Heimdal shook his head.

"This is a matter that Atë does not wish to worry you with. I'd rather not be facing the pointy end of her blades. She will return in a few hours and when she does I will summon you." Fatigued I let my shoulders slump, I would question my love when she returned.

Thanking Heimdal, I returned to the palace, taking a quick shower before collapsing onto the mattress of my bed. Unfortunately, worry wouldn't allow sleep to embrace me in its' glorious arms.

In surrender I took to pacing, my mind unable to escape the bubble of thoughts about Atë. Tomorrow was our engagement party and I couldn't help but feel she was keeping secrets.

Suddenly our door groaned open and a darkly clothed figure slipped through. Before I could grab my blades, they pulled back their hood revealing Angerona.

At the sight of my fiancé's friend, I relaxed. "I was worried you were an intruder sent by Zeus." Rona shook her head of dark brunette locks.

"My apologies for the fright. I have decided that despite Atë's efforts to keep her current outing discreet, she needs you. Her intentions are good, so I will protect what she is hiding but I believe that even if you don't know why she went to Eris', it will be better if you are at her mother's domain. Besides, you should be properly introduced to Eris." I processed Angerona's words for a moment before nodding.

"Allow me to get dressed and we'll leave," I replied, rushing off to the walk-in wardrobe before a question popped into my mind; "How are we going to leave Asgard?" I asked, walking towards the goddess after getting dressed.

Although her mouth was covered by a silk scarf, I saw the signs of the smile further up Rona's features. "That's a secret for me to know and you to never find out." Her hand reached out and grabbed my arm, cueing one of the strangest experiences of my life. It didn't feel like teleportation: a quick snap of darkness, cold and a soft tugging; rather like being pulled backwards through a kaleidoscope of colours and patterns that seemed minutely longer than teleportation. The sound was also quite loud, a sharp bang when we arrived in front of a lone door in a humid jungle, a soothing sight after the short burst of overwhelming visual inputs.

"What was that?" Angerona laughed at my reaction to the new mode of transport, her dark eyes watching as I leant against a rock briefly.

"Something that very few beings will ever experience. It's far less fascinating than when a goddess like Atë does it. I've seen her tear through the very fabric of multiple dimensions to achieve a similar goal when she's furious. Even the mightiest beings shivered in shock and amazement that day," pulling me off of the rock's vertical surface, Rona added, "come on, I'm sure Eris knows were coming now."

I watched in wonder as the goddess opened the lone doorway to reveal another land inside, full of darkness and fire. A tall castle also awaited, up a firelit path. Rona had to almost drag me inside the hidden realm towards the regal structure.

When we reached the door, Eris opened it. The ancient goddess had midnight purple hair and eyes similar to my own emerald green orbs which were fixed on me as soon as the door opened.

"Angerona, why did you bring Loki here?" Her tone was polite but underneath I sensed a volatile anger.

"Don't worry, I don't expect Atë to tell him what's going on, but my abilities tell me that she needs him now." Eris sighed, defeated.

Opening the door wider, the titan's eyes once again skimmed over me. "Fine, in return you both need to listen to me, she's not feeling very well." Rona scoffed at her words.

"If you had asked me I would have suggested a far more pleasant solution to her issue. I am the goddess of secrets after all; many experience similar problems." Eris lead us through the castle, higher and higher until we neared a room.

"Stay here while I speak to her, she reacted strongly to the potions." Though I didn't move, Rona put a hand out in front of me.

"Don't even think about it, Loki." I was aware of the mumbled argument going on past the door. What potion had they been talking about? Why were they so worried about secrecy?

"Why must everything be a secret? I'm tired of being lied to and being unaware of the monsters waiting behind corners." Rona groaned at my words, a sound uncommon for the restrained goddess.

"How do you think Atë feels? Keeping secrets from everyone she loves? Knowing that if she tells you or anyone, Zeus may pry the secrets out and use them against her? That was how her first family was captured, she told someone she thought she could trust of her plans and they conspired against her." Angerona stopped as Eris exited the room, seeming pale as she neared.

Looking tiredly at us, the titan whispered, "quiet down, her emotions are all over the place at the moment." A small flame of annoyance flickered in her emerald eyes as she turned her head to face me, "anything she tells you must be kept a secret and definitely do not tell Discordia."

As if sensing my curiosity on why I couldn't talk to her sister, Eris added, "Zeus captured the man Cordia loves, in return for spying on Atë, she protects the one she loves." So Atë only had to look as far as her closest sister to remember how heavily one should think before trusting someone in times like this.

"I won't tell a soul," I replied, receiving a nod from Eris before the titan lead me towards the room. Inside Atë was lying on a large bed, looking quite unwell. Her hair was tied up in a low-effort ponytail, pieces of hair sticking out in circular crescents.

"Hello, my love," she smiled at my greeting, allowing me to sit beside her on the bed and hold her hand. "Are you okay?" Atë teared up but nodded.

"Yeah, just needed my mother." I opened my mouth to ask why when she hesitantly wrapped her fingers around my head. She connected with me mentally and my vision and ears were blocked as her memories flashed by. Memories showing the seer telling her of our child and Atë's decision and reasoning on why to get rid of it.

Tears collected around my eyes as they did also around hers. I knew it was necessary and I saw what would happen if she kept it. Leaning down I connected my lips with hers, wordlessly telling my love that I understood her actions, that I too was sad at the loss of our unborn child. But a part of me knew there would be others, this would not be our only offspring.

"I love you, no matter what." I told her between kisses, hearing her murmured response confirming that our feelings were the same.

Eventually she pulled away, Atë's sat expression morphing into something more serious. "Zeus and I's battle will begin at our engagement party. He will come and capture us; I need you to help me protect everyone's families. Everything will work in our advantage in the end."

"How?" A sad smile graced her features at my question.

"All I can say is to have faith in me, I'm sorry." I nodded, it seemed the Avengers and I would simply be along for whatever mad ride Atë takes us on.

Exhausted from the day, my love and I slipped into sleep in each other's arms. 

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