Chapter 28

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Lea's POV:

I laid down on the ground next to Archer, the two pups at my sides.

I really didn't know what to make of them. They were the cutest little pups I've ever seen, but they were also the loudest.

And the way they followed me around, made me feel like trying to run away from them.

The one, laying on my right, was a light gray colour. The colour my mom's wolf was. The pup's eyes were always the same shade of lilac that my mom's eyes had been.

I looked away from the pup and looked over the other one, laying on my left.

This pup was the hyper one of the two, she just couldn't seem to stay still at all.

Her fur was a reddish brown colour, with a bit more red than brown. Her eyes were a bright shade of emerald green.

"They're adorable, aren't they?", a voice said, I assumed it was Skylar.

"They definitely are, not to mention hyper.", I said.

Skylar just chuckled and remained silent.

"Alright well, I'll try to my explanation short. Everyone of your kind, werewolves, have what's called guardians. Our kind, true wolves, protect your kind against any and all dangers. We choose who we wish to protect. Once we make our choice, we stay with that person till the end. We usually choose while we're still pups. It is quite rare for your kind to have two guardians though.", Irus said.

"What are true wolves?", I asked.

"We can't shift into humans. We remain like this.", he replied.

"So these two chose me?", I asked.


Great. So now I was stuck with these two hyper active pups.

"So what should I do with these two?", I asked.

"Just protect, feed, love and care for them until they're grown.", Irus replied.

I nodded and stood up, the pups doing the same.

"What are their names?", I asked. I can't keep calling them 'the pups'.

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