Chapter 23

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Archer's POV:

I hated this waiting game. I hated not knowing if my dad was going to come back or not.

I looked down at Lea's sleeping form next to me. She was exhausted from everything that happened today.

To thinking that all of this was happening today of all days. On her birthday.

I looked around and saw most of the women and children were also asleep.

Some just sat and stared in front of them. Most of them were the orginal members of our pack.

They've been through this before and were preparing for heavy losses.

There was a heavy knock on the doors and I tensed.

"Archer, it's me. It's safe now. You can open the doors."

I sighed in relief when I heard my dad's voice. I stood up and unlocked the doors.

My dad was standing there with a cloth tied around his arm, his face drawn.

I knew that look. It was the same look he'd had that night of the attack.

"What happened?"

"There were more than we'd thought. They took us completely by surprise. We managed to kill them, but we lost a few in the process.", he said and looked away.

"Let's get everyone inside. I need to speak with them.", he said and I nodded.

I turned back to the gaint tunnel like room and said,

"Please wake everyone up and go into the house immediately. Head for the dining room. The Alpha wants to speak with you."

I walked back to Lea and picked her up.

She moaned, but slept on. I watched as the others woke the sleeping ones up.

Soon, everyone was out of the shelter. My dad bolted the doors again and pushed the shrubs back in front of it.

We walked back into the house and headed for the dining room.

I woke Lea up as we approached the dining room.

"Alpha wants to speak with us. Time to wake up, babe.", I say.

She immediately wakes right up and I set her down.

Then we walked in the dining room together and towards our seats.

Everyone was here, with exceptions of course.

I scanned the room to look for Lea's mom, knowing Lea would be worried about her but I couldn't find her anywhere.

My dad ordered everyone to sit and kept quiet.

We took our places and waited.

"Today we were caught off guard by a large number of rogues. They have been eliminated, but at the cost of a few of our members. We have no idea how this happened, but we need to be vigilant.", my dad said.

"From Monday all of the able wolves will be put through training. We can not let this happen again."

With that he dismissed everyone else.

We walked back to the library slowly, while I kept looking for Lea's mom.

Once we reached the inside of our private, little booth, my dad sighed and said,

"Lea, there's something you should know."

I sat down next to her and held her hand. I had a feeling that the news was going to be bad.

"Well... Your mom was one of those killed today.", he said.

I felt my jaw drop and stared at him.

Then I looked at Lea and saw her face crumple.

"She's... dead?", she asked in a small voice.

My heart went out to her. I know what it felt like to lose someone you loved.

My dad nodded.

"I'm very sorry for your loss, Lea. Your mom fought bravely. She saved quite a few members.", he added.

Lea just looked away, her eyes trimming with tears.

I pulled her onto my lap and held her close as the tears started.

"It... Can't... Be... Please tell me this is just a sick joke. Please tell me it's not true.", she cried.

"I'm truly sorry, Lea.", my dad said and then stood up.

He patted Lea gently on the shoulder and then left to inform the others of their losses.

I knew that this had to be pretty hard for him.

Lea continued to sob, clutching my shirt in her fists.

I tried to soothe her, but it did no good. She just kept crying.

After a long time, she finally fell asleep.

I gently picked her up and carried her out of the library.

I walked up to my room and shifted her weight to open the door.

I pulled the covers on my bed away and gently placed Lea on the bed.

Then I pulled the covers back over her and kissed her forehead.

After closing my door, I laid down next to Lea and stared up at the roof.

Lea was going to be in really bad shape tomorrow.

I would know, since I'd gone through exactly the same with my mom.

Only difference was that I'd seen her get killed and I'd been powerless to do anything.

Lea moved in her sleep and I looked back to her.

She sit up and started sobbing again.

I pulled her to me and stroke her hair back.

This went on all through the night.

She'd sleep a bit and then wake up crying again.

I said nothing, but continued to stroke her back while she cried. I knew that words would be meaningless.

Finally, when it was near dawn, we both fell back asleep.

Wow, so this was a super sad chapter. Sorry about that, but it's really necessary for the rest of the story. Anyway, I'd love to hear from you guys, so send me your comments. Till next time.✌


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