Chapter 7

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I sat in my window seat and stared at the raining outside, my thoughts a million miles away.

I couldn't stop thinking about Archer and our hugs.

He definitely did give the best hugs.

I sighed and grabbed my sketchbook and pencil case off the nearby table.

Then I drew mindlessly on the page in front of me, trying not to think about Archer anymore. It worked.

Before long, I was totally lost in my drawing.

I didn't even look up when the door of my room opened and my mom came in.

"Lea, put that drawing down and come eat. I've been calling you for hours. You'll hurt your eyes sitting like that.", my mom said and I looked up, shocked.

I looked out the window and saw that the light outside was already long gone.

I put my sketchbook and pencil back on the table and stood up.

My legs were stiff from sitting still for so long.

I stretched my arms out in front of me and then followed my mom downstairs.

I suddenly realised just how hungry I really was.

My mom got me a plate of food, while I sat down on one of the chairs.

I quickly dug in as soon as my plate was in front in me.


Archer's POV:

"Do you want to order some pizzas before the next game?", Luca asked me.

We were sitting in the living room with Luca's older brother, Stephen and had just finished watching a baseball game.

The next game was just about to start.

I looked at my watch and sighed. I stood and walked towards the front door.

"Sorry guys, but I better head back home. Dad wants me to cook. By the way, there's someone I want to introduce you to on Monday. See ya.", I said and then walked out towards my truck before they could say anything.

Just as I got in the truck, my phone rang.

I took the phone from my pocket and looked at the number.

It was my dad, so I answered while starting the truck and backing out of the driveway.

"Hi, Dad. I'm on my way home.", I said.

I turned the truck onto the main road and headed back to my house.

"It looks like we're going have some trouble in the mountains this week. We're going to have to camp out there for a few days.", my dad said and my heart dropped to my stomach.

That meant I wouldn't be able to see Lea on Monday like I'd promised.

I swallowed hard and asked,"When do we leave?"

There was a short silence and then my dad answered,"As soon as you get home. I've already packed the camping gear and some clothes for us."

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