Chapter 19

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Archer's POV:

I watched as Lea's face went from shock to plain amusement.

I frowned. This wasn't the reaction I'd been hoping for.

She took a step forward and then took off her shoes. She walked towards the creek and we all followed.

When she got there, she sat down on the bank and dipped her feet in the water.

I smiled a bit and then did the same.

I looked around and saw that our parents weren't there anymore.

They'd probably gone to talk to the elders.

The day after I had shifted for the first time, my dad had contacted Lea's mom and talked to her privately.

Since then we'd always gone to her home to talk or she came to ours.

We had decided that this plan was the best way to get Lea here.

"You're very quiet today. What's wrong?", Lea asked, snapping me out from my thoughts.

I smiled and took her hand. "Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking.", I said.


"Well, do you like this place?", I asked.

"It's so beautiful here. I love it. Thank you for bringing me here."

I just kissed her on the nose and nodded.

"You know, I had a dream about this place last night. It was just a beautiful in the dream too.", she said.

I could only imagine what she'd been dreaming. I'd had those same dreams until I shifted.

Just then our parents returned and I stood up, pulling Lea up with me.

One of the elders stood behind them and I felt Lea tense.

I squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"Leandra Emily Summers, please come with me.", he said.

He started walking back to where the pack house was hidden.

We all followed him. Lea walked close to my side.

I could tell that she didn't like what was going on here and didn't trust the elder.

I leaned down and whispered,"Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'm here."

She nodded and we kept walking.

Her steps faltered a bit when she saw the pack house, just like I had the first time I saw it.

There wasn't any time to admire the building, so I pulled her into the house with me.

The house was unusually quiet and I realised that the elders or my dad must've asked the others to stay in their rooms.

We went into the library and I looked around.

This was my favourite room in the pack house. It contained all our pack history.

I led Lea to one of the chairs near the desk by the window.

She sat hesitantly and I went to stand behind her, my hands behind my back.

My dad stood in exactly the same position behind Lea's mom.

"Leandra Emily Summers, what do you know of your father?", the Elder begin.

"Nothing. I don't even know who he is."

She shot a look to her mom, but her mom avoided her eyes.

"Well, he was one was our kind. So is your mother. So are you.", he said.

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