Chapter 15

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Lea's POV:

I opened my eyes to total darkness and for a moment, I panicked.

Had I gone back into a coma?

There was a loud, fast beeping noise near me.

It was literally beeping as fast as my heart was pounding.

My eyes finally adjusted to the darkness around me and my heart slowed down.

There was a pain in my sides and it was making it a little difficult to breath right.

I looked around and my eyes landed on Archer.

He was sitting fast asleep on his chair, my hand still in his.

It felt nice. It felt like it was suppose it be there.

The thought put a smile on my face, that soon turned into a grimace.

The pain in my sides were getting worse.

I tugged on Archer's hand, nearly pulled him out of his chair.

The pain is getting worse by the second and I started to struggle to breath.

I pulled Archer's hand harder and this time, he woke up.

He took one look at me and then he was next to me.

He put his hands on the sides of my face.

"What's wrong? Where are you hurting?", he asked slightly panicked.

I tried to tell him, but my throat feels closed off. The pain was getting unbearable.

I pointed to my throat as I struggle to breath. Then I point to my sides.

He seemed to understand and ran out to get help.

I felt the darkness quickly close in over me again, but I fought it.

It may be my body's way of coping with the pain, but I'm not going to go to being trapped in my mind with no idea of time passing.

After a few minutes Archer was back with a nurse.

She quickly sedated me and said,"You need to go back to sleep. I'm going to get you to X-rays."

I just nodded. Letting the meds kick in.

Archer was holding my hand again, as I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.


Archer's POV:

I sat in my chair with my hands in my hair.

I have never seen anyone look so scared and I've seen a lot of terrified people.

Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out of here.

Just then my phone rang. It was my dad.

"Trouble. Get to the mountains now. Wait for me there.", he said and the line went dead before I could say anything.

I rushed out the building and quickly got into my truck.

I gunned it to life and reversed out of the parking lot and then stomped on the gas.

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