Chapter 25

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Archer's POV:

"Dad, it's been a month already. I can't take it anymore. She doesn't sleep, she doesn't talk, she barely even eats. We need to do something.", I beg with him.

Ever since that first day after the attack, I'd watched as Lea wasted away.

"All we can do is give her some time. She'll come around. For now, we need to train the others. Make sure this never happens again.", my dad said, closing the subject.

I sighed and walked with him to where the others waited.

"Alright, today we will just running the perimeters for three hours. No breaks. We need to be strong and fast.", my dad said to them.

My dad shifted and start the run east.

I didn't run with them. My dad needed someone here if something went wrong.

That meant that I now had three hours on my hands with nothing to do.

Maybe I could talk to Lea again, not that it was helping.

She hadn't even said one word in a whole month. If only she'd talk to me.

I sighed again and went up to my room.

Lea was sitting in window again as usual when I came in.

She looked at me and then back outside.

"Aren't you running with them?", she asked and I did a double take.

She'd actually spoken for the first time in a month.

This was definitely progress.

I walked over to her and sat down.

"No, I never run with them. They need me to stay here.", I answered.

"In case of another attack?"

"There wouldn't be another attack. I promise.", I said just to keep her talking.

"If you say so.", she said.

Her voice still sounded so lifeless and sad, that my wolf howled in pain.

He didn't like to see her like this either.

"Why her? Why that day?", she asked and looked at me.

It took me a moment before I realised what she was talking about. Then I realised she was talking about her mom's death.

Definitely making progress, if she was finally going to talk about it.

"I don't know, Lea. I wish I did.", I said.

"Me too."

She turned back to the window and looked out.

Looks like she was done talking for today.

"You know what would be great right now?", she asked as I stood up.

I shook my head and she looked back to me.

"A walk."

Wow. A month of nothing and then suddenly today, everything piled up.

Not that I was complaining, this was what I'd been hoping for.

I nodded and pulled her up. Then I took her hand stepped towards the door, but she pulled me back.

She threw her arms around me and hugged me to her.

I hugged her back tightly, putting my cheek against her hair.

I closed my eyes and smiled. It felt so good to have her in my arms again.

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