Chapter 5

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Lea's POV:

I stopped in the middle of the doorway and looked at the two strangers sitting in front of me.

The one was a middle aged man with dark hair and a friendly smile.

He looked like he could be a park ranger or a sheriff or something like that.

The other one was a guy around my age.

He was tall, very handsome and had short, black hair. His eyes were a dark brown colour.

As I stared at him, I noticed that he dressed exactly like me, right down to the beanie pulled over his hair.

"Hun, this is Mr. Eric Matthews and his son, Archer. They're our next door neighbors."

I tore my eyes away for the guy in front of me.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you guys. I'm Lea.", I said and casually leaned against the doorframe.

My eyes flickered over to Archer again and I saw him smirking at me.

I quickly looked away and said to my mom,"I'm going to go unload my bags."

I looked at Archer and his dad and added,"It was really nice meeting you."

I walked out to my car and heard footsteps behind me, but I ignored it and opened the back door of the Jeep.

I took a suitcase and a box from the pile and put it on the ground next to me.

Just as I reached back for a heavy looking box, a voice behind me said,

"Need a hand?"

I jerked up, hitting my head on the doorframe.

"Ow, fuck.", I said and pressed my hand on my head where I'd bumped it.

"You okay?", Archer asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine.", I said.

The pain was already gone, so I dropped my hand back to my side.


Archer's POV:

I bit on my lip to keep from laughing.

I watched as she turned towards me and stuffed my hands in my pockets.

She shrugged and said,"Sure, thanks."

I smiled and walked over to help her.

I took two boxes from the backseat and asked,"You ready to be the new kid on the block on Monday?"

I put the boxes down and looked at Lea.

She grimaced and shook her head.

"No, I'm definitely not ready. It doesn't help that I don't know anyone around here either.", she said.

I grabbed at my heart in mock hurt and she laughed.

I dropped my hand back to my side, shocked by her laughter. It sounded like music to me.

Without thinking about it, I said,"You can hang out with me on Monday if you'd like. I'll introduce you to some friends of mine that you might like."

I watched as her eyes began to light up with delight."You won't mind?", she asked.

I just shook my head, momentarily stunned by her smile.

"Thanks. You're a lifesaver, you know that?"

I just smirked and turned back to the car.

I lifted another suitcase out and put it with the other things on the ground.

Then I picked up the boxes again and said to her," How about we get these things inside before it starts raining?"

She nodded and grabbed two of the suitcases.

I followed her back into the house and up the steps to the attic.

Once I was inside, I put the boxes on the desk and looked around.

"Nice place.", I commented.

She gave me a small smile, stunning me for the third time today.

I followed her back out the room and out the house.

We got the things from the car into her room in three trips, talking about various things along the way.

When we got downstairs again, I felt like Lea and I were becoming good friends.

Her mom invited me and my dad to stay for dinner, which my dad gladly accepted.

I just rolled my eyes at him, but I was glad. It meant that I could spend more time with Lea.


Lea's POV:

I couldn't keep my eyes off Archer. He had to be the most handsome guy I'd ever seen.

All through dinner we'd talked and laughed with each other.

After dinner when my mom and I stood outside on the porch to wave them off, he promised that he'd be waiting for me at school on Monday.

I nodded and waved goodbye, wishing it was Monday already.

As soon as the door closed behind me, my mom asked, "Well?"

I rolled my eyes and headed for the stairs.

I should've known my mom would ask questions.

"Lea, come on. Talk. Is he nice?"

I stopped on the first step to my room and said, "Yes, Mom. He's very nice. Look, I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed. Night."

I walked up to my room without listening to my mom's reply.

I closed my bedroom door and leaned against it.

I wasn't really looking forward to Monday.

I was going to be the new kid in town, a source of gossip.

There was only one high school on the reserve and most of these kids had known each other since childhood.

The school consisted out of a total of four hundred and thirty two students.

There had been nearly three times as many kids in my junior class alone back home.

At least Archer would be waiting for me and at least I also had the weekend to get ready for Monday.

I sighed and walked over to one of the suitcases, throwing it open.

I quickly got dressed for bed and got in under the covers.

I closed my eyes and hoped that the next day would be uneventful.

Hi guys. So latest chapter. What do you think? Okay, so I found a pic of who Archer looks like. Hot, right?? Send me your thoughts. Till next time y'all.✌


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