Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning with a heavy heart.

I got up and got dressed methodically in black jeans, a sleeveless black T-shirt, leather jacket and a beanie.

When I was done I went to my bathroom and splashed my face with water. Some mascara and lip gloss was basically it for make-up.

Then I went back to my room and put the make-up in my handbag. I slung it over my shoulder and picked up two of my suitcases.

My mom was probably still sleeping, so I walked down to the garage, quietly.

I loaded the suitcases into the backseat of my very rarely used Jeep and tossed my handbag into the driver seat.

I went back to my room and nearly bumped into her mom.

"Morning. I was just on my way to ask you to help me load my things into my truck.", my mom said and I nodded.

My mom and I quickly got all her things loaded into the truck.

Then we loaded all my things into the Jeep.

When we were done, we checked that we had everything and then stood at the front door together for a few minutes, looking back to the house.

Then we got into our cars and drove away from the house that we'd once called our home.

I drove for hours behind my mom before we finally pulled over on the side of the main road.

I got out and walked over to my mom, standing by her truck.

My legs felt pretty stiff from sitting so still for so long. It was already starting to get darker as it was getting later in the afternoon.

"There's a petrol station a bit further on with a café. How about we get something to eat there?"

I nodded and asked my own question,

"How are you holding up, Mom? Are you okay?"

My mom sighed and didn't answer right away.

"To be honest, I kind of expected this to happen. Things haven't been right between me and your dad for a while. It still hurt that this happened, but I'll live.", I finally said.

I threw my arms around my mom and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Mom.", I said when I stepped back.

My mom nodded and asked,"So how about that dinner?"

I agreed and walked back to my Jeep.

I got in and started the engine, carefully pulling back onto the road.

The café was just a few miles away from the hotel where we'd be spending the night, so we bought takeaways and drove to the hotel.

While I drove, my phone rang.

Incoming call: Angie

I threw the phone back on the passenger seat and turned my eyes back to the road.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to Angie. She'd probably have a million and two questions for me and I didn't feel like answering to anyone.

We finally reached the hotel after a two hour drive.

I slung my handbag over my shoulder and got out of the Jeep, locking the car.

I walked over to my mom and we walked into the building together.

I got my room key and the directions to my room from the receptionist and walked to the elevator with my mom at my side.

We rode the elevator to the third floor and then I walked over to my room.

"Remember, we're leaving early tomorrow.", my mom said as she passed me on her way to her own room next to mine.

I nodded, closed the door and went to lay down on the bed.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

It felt like I'd only been sleeping for a few minutes before there was a knock on the door.

I grumpled, turned onto my side and pulled the pillow over my head.

The knocking continued and I stood up, opening the door to reveal my mom.

She was standing with her hands on her hips and was tapping her foot impatiently on the floor.

There was a suitcase standing next to her.

"What, Mom?" I grumpled.

My mom brushed past me with the suitcase and said,

"I brought one of your suitcases. I thought you'd like to change before we go down for breakfast."

I shut the door, thanked her, grabbed the suitcase and walked over to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I heard the tv in the room go on as I rummaged through my suitcase for something to wear.

I settled for jeans, a white long sleeved shirt with my leather jacket and a pair of black chucks.

When I was done, I dragged a comb through my hair and put the beanie back on my head.

I didn't even bother with make-up. I just brushed my teeth and then stuffed everything back into the suitcase.

Then I went back into the room and grabbed my handbag.

"Let's get going. I'm starving.", I said to my mom.

We stopped along the way to get my mom's suitcase and to drop them off in the car before going to the little restaurant in the hotel.

We didn't talk much during breakfast, since I was still being "grumpy" as my mom put it.

As we walked back to our cars, I asked,"What time will we get to this reserve?"

My mom seemed to be doing  the maths in her head.

Finally she answered,"In about six hours, including time for stops along the way."
I nearly groaned out loud, but instead I asked,"How long without stops?"

My mom answered quicker now,"Four hours. Why? Are you so excited to get there?"

This time I did groan out loud. My mom just laughed and got into the truck.

Before I got in my Jeep, I called back to my mom,"I don't think we'll need stops. I say we drive without them, so we can get there sooner."

My mom nodded and I got into the car, starting the engine.

I carefully reversed out of the parking spot and followed my mom's truck back onto the main road.

I turned on the radio and searched for my favourite music channel.

When I found it, I turned the volume up and I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel along to the beat of the music.
It still felt to me like it was going to be a very long three hour drive...

What's up everyone. So here's the latest chapter. Hope you enjoy it. I dunno when I'll upload again, since school starting again soon. Ugh. I so hate having go to school. But yeah, so till next time y'all.✌


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