'So I sat next to Zea and Cloe. What's her name? Phoenix, poor girl was being mobbed by people and she looked over whelmed and just wanted to leave.' 

"Hey, whats the big mob about." Zea elbowed me and pointed in the mob's direction. '

"A New student shes from Clifside said she might have burned the school down." 

'She shrugged and I said.'

"Mic said she was a Kitsune and I was wondering what that was."

'A minute ago she didn't look interested in the least but when I said Kitsune she looked up with enthusiasm, her and Cloe they  stood up ran towards the mob yelling.' 

"BACK OFF SHE MINE!" Yelled Zea.



"MOVE, MOVE!"Shouted Cloe. 

'They all just watched as they picked her up Zea grabbing the arms and Cloe Grabbing the feet dragged her over to our table.'

'It looked like Phoenix didn't know ether to be relived, perplexed, or ferrous, and so instead she just looked confused.'

'Zea petting her hair Cloe asking her questions she just answered them looking confused all the while.' 

"Oh my gosh you are beautiful!" "Feel her hair tell me that isn't the softest thing you ever felt!" Said Zea. 

__________TEN MINUTES LATTER___________

"Where did you live?" Cloe still asking questions And Zea still petting her Hair. 

"Zea, Cloe get off the poor girl."Said Hanna.     

"But look at her she's a Kitsune." Said Zea. 

"Yes and right now Your being a nuisance, give her some space."She said

"Hey do you want to be part of our club." Said Cloe.

"Whats the name of it?" Phoenix asked

"It's, uh, um."Cleo trying to make one up.  

"Silver Detectives!" Said Zea.   

"It's Perfect." Said Cloe to Zea." 

"Um, Sure..." She said but her voice was anything but sure.

'I coughed, they all turned to me and asked. ("Mic go's home for lunch most of the time.") and asked.   

"Macy how long have you been sitting there?" Said Hanna.

("The entire time." Said Midnight)

"A while, anyway don't you think we all should decide on the name when we get to the secret Hideout? I said changing the Subject"

"Why? It's perfect because were trying too findou..." I cut Zea off.

"Zea, Shh not here it's too crowded and don't want to give a single hint that we are doing this, we'll talk about this at the hideout okay?" I say

'She wanted to talk more abut this I could see it on her face, but I think she understood cause she changed the subject. And Phoenix, well, lets just say she looked even more confused.'

"Anyway we forgot to introduce our selves I'm Zea."

"Z?"Phoenix Questioned?

"Zea." Said Zea

"Like just Z or." Phoenix still questioning. 

She whispered. "You spell it Z-E-A."

"Okay... And you are..." Gesturing to me.

Silver School Mystery  A Spring of WinterWhere stories live. Discover now