Act 6: Outer Senshi

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god..." She trembled. "The negative energy illuminating from that planet is preposterous..."

"What's it's trajectory?" I questioned, trying to understand all the symbols and numbers and graphs appearing on the small computer screen. She threw her fingers across the keys for awhile longer and then it showed a map of the solar system. The mysterious planet was a little ways away from the planet Pluto, and then a dotted line came from the planet showing the trajectory... It lead right to the planet Earth. We were both silent.

"This is really bad..." Europa shuddered and so did I. "Maybe we should get down from here?"

"Yeah..." I sighed and simply jumped down landing on my feet.

"Nibiru..." Europa called.


"I'm scared to jump down..." She cried.

"Oh don't be so silly! Just jump, it doesn't hurt!" I laughed.

"I'm going to try to climb down..." She moved over to the body of the tree and tried to reach for the branch below, but lost her grip and landed on the ground face-first.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She shrieked and began to cry like a baby.

"You should've jumped! Don't be such a baby..." I helped her up and brushed the dirt off of her back and shoulders.

"I know I'm a cry baby... My mother always told me I got that from hanging around my Aunt Serenity too much." She whined, then was able to calm herself a little.

We were just getting out of the park when we heard the screams. It only sounded like a child, coming from back inside the park. We turned and ran with all our might, it was coming from a trail that led into the woods and we followed it. We got there with a few scratches from the bushes and trees, and then we saw it. It was just a little boy, he couldn't have been any older than five. The giant terrifying soul eater had him in his grasp. I looked around and saw a middle-aged woman on the ground, knocked out. She must've been the little boys mother. I was about run out when I was beat to it, four sailor senshi appeared from behind the bushes.

"I am Sailor Uranus, guardian of the skies!"

"I am Sailor Neptune, guardian of the seas!"

"I am Sailor Pluto, guardian of space and time!"

"And I am Sailor Saturn, guardian of Death and Rebirth!"

"We are the outer senshi and we guard this system! Let go of that boy!" Sailor Uranus finished, pointing a finger at the creature. It growled, unable to say a word and the little boy continued to scream.


"Uranus stop! You'll harm the boy!" Sailor Pluto urgently yelled. She never did change, she was as beautiful as she was in the future. Since she was the keeper of time, I wondered if she already knew about me.

The monster laughed and opened it mouth and began to exhale deeply, a small soul capsule came from the boy and the monster slung him to the ground.

"URANUS WORLD SHAKING!" Sailor Uranus threw her hand in the air, forming a large golden orb that resembled a planet and brought it to tw ground. The ground shook and the ball of energy went flying for the soul eater, it jumped and the orb followed it. It stopped and when the orb came to it, it grabbed it in one hand and slung it back at the outer senshi. Neptune jumped and the others were hit.

"URANUS PLUTO SATURN!" She screamed.

"Just get it!" They moaned in unison.

"NEPTUNE DE- AHHHHHHH!" The soul eater grabbed her by the waist before she had the chance to attack it. It threw her to the ground and she did not get back up.

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