Zombie Love

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God what happened? Where am I? Wait...where's Josh?! And North!? I shot up and looked around remembering it was the apocalypse.
That's when it hit me. I sacrificed myself to save them. I'm dead. I sighed and looked at my hands that were bloodied and being bit at by small animals. I whacked them and got up, looking around at the place. Making my way following a herd of zombies somewhere.
God why do I always have to sacrifice myself? Guess that's what being a good friend is for. I suddenly heard a gun shot and my head perked up to see who it was. I made my way through the herd and then saw a guy, covered in blood, scars along his face and arms, his clothes ripped and dirty, his face full of rage as he shot every zombie in his way. Then three other ran beside him, a woman, another man and a young girl.
"Markus hurry! Alice can't make it!" The woman yelled as she swung her axe at the zombies going towards her, while the young girl hid behind her.
"I'm working on it!" The tanned man yelled back and had finally made a path for all of them to run through the herd. I couldn't watch them die, I began killing my own kind now. I followed the small group and saw them sweating and healing each other from the wounds.
"You could've died Markus." The white male told him cleaning the blood off of the woman's face.
"Sorry Connor, but I couldn't let Alice die." He looked out the window holding his shotgun tight. I could see tears in his eyes as he looked out, watching, waiting. I wanted to just go in and say what I wanted to say. That's when I got an idea, I quickly went off to find what they needed.

After a while, I finally made it back looking in to make sure they wouldn't see me. I saw the woman, and the young girl sleeping soundly. But then I heard yelling, probably from the two males.
I quickly opened the front door and placed everything on the broken table, looking at the young girl, smiling at how calm she was. I heard a door open and rapidly closed the door and hid from the humans.
"You can't just sacrifice yourself for them. They would be devastated if you went." The white male stated, pointing a finger at the tanned male.
"I will do what it takes to keep them alive." The other said. "Now get some rest. I'll keep watch tonight."
"Like you do every night." The brunette said and laid down staring up at the ceiling. I ducked down as the tanned male looked out the barricaded window. His eyes were two different colours, and the scars were shown in the moonlight.
He sighed and almost saw me. "I'm sorry Connor. I just can't lose you three." His voice was raspy and quiet. I saw blood trickle down from his forehead down to his cheek. I felt the urge to bite him but I couldn't, I just can't infect him, not after how much he's done for his friends.

I've helped the humans by giving them food, water, health supplies, and by keeping the zombies away from them. It's been a while and I've hurt myself tons of times by helping them. Chunks of my flesh have been bitten off, one of my eyes have been ripped out by a zombie. I've learned all the humans names, Markus is the leader, Connor is the brunette, Kara is the mother of the young girl, named Alice.
"Have you wondered where all this has been coming from?" Kara asked one day while she was healing Markus.
"Yes. Maybe someone found us and has been helping us survive." Markus had stated.
"Yeah well maybe we shouldn't trust them. What if they're trying to kill us." Connor said with anger as he crossed his arms, leaning against a wall.
"You don't know that Connor." Kara sneered.
"Shut it, both of you." Markus snapped at the both of them. It kind of scared me when he was angry. But one day, when I came back from getting water for them, I saw the door was smashed open and gun shots, screaming, and yelling was heard from the house. I dropped the water and ran in, seeing Markus shooting the stairs making the zombies fall and climb over each other.
I started biting and killing off the zombies one by one, and soon there was only me. I looked up at the four of them, they were in fear.
"Shoot it Markus!" Connor yelled. But Markus didn't move, he just stared at me with disbelief. "Fine, I'll do it." Connor lifted his handgun and pointed it at me ready to shoot, just as he was about to, Markus took the gun away from him. "What are you doing?! It's a zombie!"
"He saved us you idiot! Let me see if he's still there." Markus put the handgun in his back pocket and jumped down to the lower level, then walked up to me. "Why'd you save us? I could just shoot you." I was scared, I could barely move. I was shaking all over.
"Please don't hurt me. I've been the one helping you this whole time." I told him. "I've brought you food, water, health supplies, and I've kept zombies away." I shut my eyes tight waiting for the gunshot, but I suddenly felt a different impact. I looked down and there was Alice, hugging me around my waist.
"Thank you. Kara wouldn't have kept us alive if it wasn't for you." Alice sobbed. I smiled and hugged her back, fighting the urge to infect them. It hurt to not do it but I can handle the pain, just to keep them alive. "Will you stay with us?"
"Um...I...I don't know." I answered, looking up at the three adults.
"As long as you don't infect any of us, you can stay." Markus said with a smile. I felt pure joy run through my decayed body. I noticed Connor's angered expression as he looked away from me.

It's been two months since I've stayed with this group. I've done my best by keeping them alive and healthy, it's been a struggle. And I've also found myself falling for Markus more and more each day.
"Simon!" I heard Markus cry and I ran outside to see him fighting off a herd of zombies. I quickly started helping him, and soon I finished off the last one.
"Are you okay?" I asked him throwing a body down to the ground and went up to check him. He nodded and held my hand, his eyes staring into my one eye. "M...Markus?" He leaned in and I felt his hot breath of my decayed skin.
"Simon...I don't know why...but I love you." He said to me. I felt myself become overjoyed by the words.
"I...I love you too." I told him, making him smile with glee. We went back inside and saw Kara and Alice playing on the floor while Connor was sharpening his knife.
"Hey guys," Markus began, gaining their attention. "Simon and I are...more than friends." He grabbed my hand and Alice smiled brightly as well as Kara.
"That's great." Kara stated.
"How is it great? Simon is dead." Connor said annoyed. "He shouldn't even be here. For one, we should have killed him when we saw him." I hid behind Markus, wondering if that should be true.
"Shut up Connor, you don't know what he's like." Markus explained, talking a little louder. "He's different."
"He's a zombie! One of those things!" Connor yelled. "Why should I change my mind!? I could shoot him now."
"Don't you dare." Markus snapped. Aggressive tension rose in the room and between Connor and Markus.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled.
"Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong." Markus told me.
"Besides being a dead zombie bitch!" Connor yelled.
"Connor, grow up. We know how much you miss Daniel." Kara argued shutting him up. Connor crossed his arms and leaned against a wall.
"We don't speak about Daniel..." Connor mumbled. Markus turned me around and we went back outside.
I held my gun and loaded it, then went over to the window getting a good shot.
"I'm sorry Markus." I felt tears run down my face as I pulled the trigger at the both of them. Watching their bodies fall to the ground.
"What did you do!?" I heard Kara scream.
"I put them in a better place! Kara, what would've happened if Markus got infected?" I asked wiping my tears away. "I'm sorry but I had to. To keep you guys safe. I can't lose you like I did with Daniel." Kara realized what I had been saying and nodded. She hugged Alice and I walked away from them to calm down.
I opened my eyes and saw Simon standing there with me, but he wasn't his zombie self. He was human.
"Simon!" I called and he ran over to me, tears of joy running down his face. "Look at you! You're human." I wiped his tears and caressed his cheek.
"I know." He answered. I leaned in and brought him in for a kiss, finally feeling his soft lips. After we pulled away for a breath, I noticed that we weren't in the same world. We weren't on earth.
Connor. He did this.
"I've wanted to kiss those lips for who knows how long." I said not wanting to worry him. He smiled and a blush appeared on his cheeks. It was cute.
"You are such a flirt." He giggled.
"I know." I smirked placing a hand on his hip, pulling him closer to me.

(D:BH) Simon x Markus OneShots Where stories live. Discover now