Dancing In Your Arms

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Third Person
Simon stood by the railing in the church, watching at how many androids had lived and got out of Jericho before it blew up. He saw Kara, Alice, and Luther all together, hoping they'd get out of all this. He looked at Conner in a corner by himself, crossing him arms then watched as Markus approached him.
They talked for a while until Conner left. He wanted to know what they were talking about but...he shouldn't get into other peoples business. He pushed himself from the railing and went up to the bell, looking down at the snow covered streets of Detroit. Cars drove by, and very fast to be honest, but he didn't care.
Simon sighed and began to sing out into the night. He sang beautifully and calm, but yet it was filled with sadness and despair.
But what Simon didn't know is that Markus was just behind him listening at him sing out like no one was watching. But he was being watched and listened to.
Markus thought his singing was beautiful. He wanted to hear it more often but he couldn't tell Simon about it.
"Simon?" Markus questioned suddenly, making Simon choke on his singing then turn to see the darker Android with a confused look on his face. "Are you alright?"
"Yes. Yes I'm fine." Simon answered turning back to the streets. His hair flying upward as the breeze hit his face. Markus went beside Simon, crossing his arms on the railing, looking down at the streets as well. Markus glanced over at Simon, and moved closer to him, then closer, until they were almost touching.
"Markus..." Simon questioned still looking out into the starry night. "do you think we'll make it? If we'll win?" Markus looked over at Simon and saw tears fill his eyes, as he said those words. Markus didn't know what to say to Simon, he just reached over and took his hand. Connected the both of them as their synthetic skin faded away, showing a blue glow as they saw each other's thoughts and memories.
"I promise, we'll make it." I told him bringing him close to me. We stayed in a close embrace, until I thought of something. "I'd like to show you something."

I brought him to Carl's mansion and opened the door. The voice greeted me as I walked in with Simon, then saw Leo. His head was bandaged, as he stared at me.
"Leo..." I breathed. He rubbed his arm and walked up to me, staring up at me. I saw tears form in his eyes then he brought me into a hug. I was shocked but I soon hugged him back hearing his sobs and he tugged on my coat.
"I'm so sorry Markus..." He cried. "I'm sorry for the way I acted. I was such an idiot."
"It's alright." I told him, pulling away from the strong embrace. He wiped away his tears and smiled. "Leo, I'd like you to meet Simon."
"Hi Simon." Leo greeted holding out his hand.
"Hello Leo. It's nice to meet you." Simon said with a smile and shook his hand. I passed the two and went upstairs, to Carl's bedroom but saw another android.
"I'd like to see Carl." I said.
"I'm sorry, but he's in no condition." The android stated. I took hold of it's arm and told him to let me see Carl. "You can go in, but he's weak." I nodded and opened the doors to see Carl lying in his bed with an IV, monitor, and a breather. I went beside him and took hold of his hand, staring at how weak he looked.
"Carl..." I whispered in despair. I saw him open his eyes and look over at me with a smile.
"Mar...kus..." Carl said. "It's...good to see you..." I felt tears fill my eyes as I smiled, knowing I can talk with him at least once more.
"I missed you." I told him, before hearing more footsteps. I looked behind me to see Simon standing in the doorway. I beckoned him in and he embarrassingly walked in, and stood beside me. "Carl, this is Simon."
"It's nice to meet you sir." Simon said bowing slightly.
"Nice to meet you too." Carl smiled at Simon. "Markus, is this your significant other?" I blushed and looked up at Simon who was also blushing.
"I would like to think so." I answered taking hold of Simon's hand after letting go of Carl's. Simon stared down at our hands and blushed harder, before hiding his face. "I just wanted to come visit you again. Before we try to win the war." Carl nodded and smiled at us.
/Simon ^\

We had been talking for quite a while before he started to fall asleep. I got up and fixed his covers before saying goodnight to him.
I took Simon downstairs and into the living room where the piano was. I played some keys and watched as Simon sat beside me watching my fingers. I began singing along with my piano playing.
"The sun is nearly gone. The lights are turning on. A silver shine that stretches to the sea." I peered at Simon smirking slightly before returning to the keys. "We stumbled on a view, that's tailored made for two. What a shame, those two are you and me." My voice was smooth and slow as the pace of the song. "Some other girl and guy, would love this swirling sky. But there's only you and I, and we've got no shot." I shoulder bumped Simon as I pressed down on the keys making him giggle. The pace of the music went a little faster. "This could never be, you're not the type for me. And there's not a spark in sight. What a waste of a lovely night." I was about to sing the next part but then I heard Simon's beautiful and soft voice cut in.
"You say there's nothing here? Well let's make something clear." Simon sang. "I think I'll be the one to make that call."
"But you'll call?" I broke in causing Simon to stifle a laugh.
"And though you look so cute. In your polyester suit-"
"It's wool."
"You're right, I'd never fall for you at all." He giggled as I kept playing the keys on the piano. "And maybe this appeals, to someone not in heels. Or to any girl who feels, there's some chance for Romance." I got up and took Simon's hands bringing him up with me, then taking him round. Dancing with him but he looked confused.
"It's called dancing. You've probably heard." I told him as I placed a hand on his waist.
"Aren't you a flirt." Simon scoffed pushing me slightly. I smiled and kissed him, and soon feeling him kiss back.
We pulled away and he sang softly.
"I'm frankly feeling nothing."
"Is that so?" I sang along with him.
"Or maybe less than nothing."
"Good to know."
"What a waste of a lovely night." We sang in unison.

(D:BH) Simon x Markus OneShots Where stories live. Discover now