Welcome back...Simon

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I fell down to my knees and went up to a broken house wall, holding the place where I was shot. I could feel myself shutting down. Second by second. It hurt.
Suddenly I saw Simon run up to me and get down to my level. I pulled my hand away from my wound, showing thirium on my hand. Simon put a hand on my shoulder and I saw the pain in his eyes, then he went where his heart was.
"Simon..." I breathed out. "what are you doing?" He looked up at me with a sad smile, and teary eyes.
"Our hearts are compatible." He told me. "You have to take mine." I grabbed one of his hands to stop him from doing it.
"No...Simon, no..." I said commandingly.
"If you don't...you'll die." He said sadly. "And our cause will die with you. Please Markus."
"I can't let you do that." I told him angrily. He held my hand as tears flowed down his cheeks.
"Markus...they need you." I stopped struggling, and let him take my component out, placing it to my left, then soon he took his out and inserted it into me, fixing my whole body from shutting down. He moved over to my left and laid back on the wall with me.
I panicked and went in front of him, holding onto his shoulders.
"Simon?" I asked desperately. He looked up tiredly, and smiled a weak smile.
"Save them...Markus...I love you..." That's when he went lifeless. His eyes looked down and his smiled went away. I shook him a bit.
"Simon? Simon!" I felt the tears finally pour from my eyes, seeing my best friend, the one I loved, shut down, die in front of me. With hope to save everyone, including me for his own. "I love you too..."
I got up and grabbed a gun wiping the tears away from my eyes, sniffing. I was angry.
"Fall back!" I yelled. They all stopped shooting and came over to me, as we backed up, surrounded by humans. I wanted to fight, I wanted to kill them for what they made Simon do for me. But I know, that Simon wouldn't want that.
"What are you doing Markus!?" North whispered angrily at me. I said nothing, but I just started singing.
"Hold on just a little while longer." I sang. "Hold on just a little while longer. Hold on just a little while longer. Everything, will be alright. Everything will be alright..." Suddenly, I heard then all sing with me.
"Fight on just a little while longer." We all sang with passion. "Fight on just a little while longer. Pray on, just a little while longer. Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright." The news helicopter flew above us, recording us singing to all the humans who surrounded us. I didn't want us to lose with violence.
"Sing on just a little while longer. Sing on just a little while longer. Sing on just a little while longer." Our singing got a bit louder as we all sang together as one. "Everything will be alright. Everything will be..." All the other androids had stopped singing, as I closed my eyes and remembered Simon.
"Alright." I sang last with tears running down my cheeks. The humans had put their guns down, they had surrendered.

June 26, 2040
I had brought Simon to his creator, and told him that I wanted him to fix Simon. He told me that I could have a new one but I told him no, that I wanted my Simon.
"Fine, I'll see what I can do. Wait here." He said and pointed to the seat for me to sit and wait. I growled and sat down, crossing one leg over the other as I waited.
I saw a figure come up to me, her hands clasped together in front of her stomach, a big smile, her platinum blonde hair in a ponytail,and she stood straight as a pen.
"Hello there. I'm a ST200, or so called, Chloe." She greeted happily. "You must be Markus, the RK200." I nodded and she down perfectly. Her legs straight in front of her, her hands still clasped in her lap, as she smiled brightly. "So what are you here for? Elijah Kamski, will possibly do anything for a price."
"I'm here for my friend." I said sadly. "He said he'd see what he can do."
"Ah I saw." She answered her smiled fading, as she looked at the doorway with sadness. "What happened?" I took a deep breath, remembering the look he had on his face when he gave his heart component to me just to save everyone.
"He gave up his component to save me." I breathed with a cold thought rushing to me. I started thinking that Simon wasn't going to make it, he wasn't going to come back. He wasn't going to be with me. Soon the creator returned, he hands held behind his back, a stern look on his face.
I quickly stood up and went over to him.
"Did he make it? Is he alive?" I asked desperately. He took my hands off from his shoulders and moved out my way. There I saw Simon, standing there with his eyes closed. I went over to him and placed my hand on his cheek.
"He's strong hearted." Kamski told me. "I had to find the perfect one for him, then put more thirium into his body." I touched his LED, and his eyes slowly opened. Those beautiful blue eyes got used to everything and looked at me.
"Markus...?" He questioned as his gaze fell upon me. "W...What happened?" I teared up and pulled him in for a hug.
"Welcome back, Simon." I told him and felt him hug back.
\Simon ^/
"It's good to be back." He whispered into my ear. I pulled away from him and stared him right in his blue eyes.
"I love you Simon." I straight out told him, which made him blush like crazy. I felt hands on my shoulders and looked behind me to see Elijah with a death glare. I grabbed Simon's hand and we left out of the mansion.
"M...Markus." I looked back to see Simon's face flushed with colour. "U...Um..." he pointed down at our hands and I saw that our skin had faded. I noticed the blue glow, illuminating from our hands. That's when I could hear Simon's thoughts.
"Simon..." I heard thank you's, I love you, and I'm sorry. I brought him for a kiss, and held his hand tighter signifying that he's safe. I rubbed his knuckles and used my other hand to brush his hair out of his face when we pulled away. "Let's go home." He smiled and gripped my hand, as we began to walk back to Carl's place.
"Your safe Simon." I told him. "Your home."
"I know," He answered. "only with you, Markus." I smiled and kissed his cheek, making him giggle.
"We won Simon." I said. "I can be with you, no matter what." He gripped my hand tighter and whispered into my ear, "I've been waiting to hear that ever since I met you."

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