The Jock-Human AU (Part 1)

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(Loved this AU when I saw the little comics. So Daniel is Simon's brother BTW. Long ass one)
Another day at this damned school. I had walked close behind my brother, Daniel. He wanted me to get out there a little more, get some new friends other than Chloe, and North. I looked up from the floor and saw my crush since Freshman year, Markus. Captain of the football team, along side him was his good friend Josh.
"Hey...Hey Daniel." I whispered to him. "Does he have a girlfriend?" Daniel stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me.
"Who?" He asked with confusion. I blushed and fiddled with my thumbs, for a moment before answering him.
"The guy with multi coloured eyes." I said. He still looked confused. "Markus." Daniel shot me a dirty look and fake gagged. I crossed my arms and pouted waiting for him to stop his childish act. After about a minute he stopped and looked at me.
"I'm sorry, what?" He asked again.
"Does Markus have a girlfriend?" I questioned with a bit of anger. Daniel knows I'm gay, I can't believe he's acting like this to me.
"I don't know." He answered smiling in triumph.
"Well could you ask him?" I asked desperately. "For me?" Daniel sighed a long sigh and breathed out a fine. I clapped my hands together happily then thanked him, as I went off to my first class.

I tapped my pencil against my desk as the time with by slowly. I looked over to my right to see a beautiful short blonde haired girl. I'm pretty sure her name is Kara, she has a giant boyfriend. Don't want to mess with him but I'd always seen Kara as a straight A student.
I looked to my left to see my good friend Conner, he's also a good friend of Markus'. I could ask him, but I don't know. When the teacher wasn't looking a snuck a note over to Conner asking him about Markus. He looked at me with a glint in his eye and a smirk grew on his face. I saw him quickly write something down then pass it back.
'What about him? I'll ask anything'
I smiled and had a hard time figuring out how to put it, that's when I got it.
'I wanna know when his practices are. So I could watch him, and learn more about him.' I handed it back and I saw his eyes graze over the words of choice I used. I saw him thinking hard about it and then wrote down some numbers and words but I couldn't really see. I think it was the times and dates. Conner quickly threw it back with a wink, and faced back to the board.
I opened the piece of paper and saw every time and date for his practices.
'Remember, bring something so they don't think your watching. Haven fun'
I rolled my eyes and made sure he wasn't looking, and silently squealed holding the piece of paper close to my chest.
After the teacher had gave us the project, I had to look for a group. Three people in a group, I quickly went over to Conner who waved happily.
"I hate you, you know." I said huffing slightly. I had put the piece of paper in my pocket, as he rubbed the back of his head.
"No you don't." He said happily, smiling a big grin.
"Hey, can I join you guys?" A girl asked while we were childishly bickering. I looked over to see Kara. She was short, and it was like she was a beaming light.
"Sure, no problem." I beamed with happiness. She smiled and held my hand as she said thank you. We got to work right away and started to makes notes, questions, solutions, and equations. Conner got a bit confused at some points but he got it as I explained.
The bell rang and we agreed to meet at Kara's house to work on the project some more. Conner and I went to the field at lunch, I had brought my homework with me to both watch then practice and work as I do so.
We sat down on the bleachers as I sat down my stuff. Conner sat beside me to help me out with Geography, since he's better at that then me.
"Alright you fuckers!" I heard the coach yell out which made me jump and look up. It was Coach Reed. He was always so hard on us, if we never did well. I was about to look back down when then I saw him. Markus, run out to the field smiling.
"Drop down and give me twenty!" Coach Reed yelled again, and all the jocks got down and started doing push ups. Markus finished early and stood up straight. "Good job Markus." He patted Markus on the back and went back to yelling at the others. I saw Josh walk over to Markus and whisper something to him, which made Markus blush and then look straight at me.
I blushed a deep colour and looked back down at my homework. Conner started to help once I was out of my trance. Telling me what I had to do and how to do it, I listened to everything, but every once in a while I would look up to see then doing exercises and practice tackling and such.
Finally Conner had stopped helping me, and I finished my homework. I showed Conner and he nodded telling me I had done well enough to pass.
The jocks had finished their practice as well, and I saw Josh and Markus walking, when Markus waved then headed my way. Conner nudged me and said a little loudly "See you later Simon." I looked at him and held my books close to my chest. Markus smiled and waved happily at me.
"Hey, I'm Markus." He greeted which made me tighten my grip on my things.
"H...Hi, I'm S...Simon." I stuttered smiling like a dork.
"Well Simon, I'd like to ask you if you'd like to...hang out sometime." He rubbed the back of his neck while holding his water bottle.
"" He blushed and dropped his bottle. I put my books down and picked up his bottle, standing back up to hand it back to him. Our faces were so close to touching as he took his bottle back.
"Thanks." He said. I gulped and nodded, he winked at me and walked back to Josh who was waiting for him. I picked my books up and walked back to the school, where I met up with Chloe.
"Simon! It's so good to see you." She hugged me and begged me to tell her about Markus, like always. She will try to get me to tell her anything that I can about him. She always like me and Markus together, and she'd want me to try and get close to him.
"Chlo, I don't want to right now." I blushed redder than usual, and I could tell she noticed. She stared me down until I talked. " Alright, alright. Markus...said he wanted to...hang out...with me." She squealed and hugged me tighter.
"I knew it! I knew it!" She chirped. "This day has finally come!" I tried to pry her off but it was no use. I laughed and held her with one arm as I held my books in the other. Chloe finally let go of me after her little freak out. "You have to hang out with him! Today!"
"What!? I can't do that! I don't know if he's busy or not, and I have to help Daniel." I told her.
"Who cares. I'll ask him." She looked around eagerly and her face lit up. "There he is now!" She walked over to him, and tapped his shoulder. I watched as he turned around smiling, and they started talking, then Chloe pointed at me. I blushed and looked away from them after. I soon heard Chloe walk back and hand me a small piece of paper with a number. It had the name Markus with a heart, and a phone number.
"Got you his number~" She sang. "He also said that he's free tonight, I can come,over and distract your brother then leave."
"No, no. I'll just say I'm meeting up with you for homework." She nodded and gave me a thumbs up.
"Incoming, big brother coming in." I looked behind me and saw Daniel marching up to me.
"Simon." He said with an angry tone. "Conner told me you watched the football team practice. More than homework."
"Um...I can explain." I squeaked.
"Do explain." I gulped and couldn't find the right words to make up a lie to tell him. That's when Chloe stepped in smiling brightly.
"It's because he's thinking of joining, but he rather watches from afar." She told him. "He was just doing homework that's it."
"With Conner, he was helping me." I continued. Daniel gave me a stern look, then at Chloe.
"Fine. But don't join the football team." He demanded. "They're a bunch of jerks and assholes." I nodded, and he left to get to his next class. I sighed of relief and thanked Chloe for help, she's always there for me when I need to tell Daniel something, or lie.
"I need to get to class." I said to her. "See you later." I jogged to my next class, just in time before the bell rang. I took my seat, placing my books down and taking my mechanical pencil out of my notebook. The teacher walked in, putting his laptop down on his desk, walking over to the blackboard, picking up a piece of chalk to write down our assignment for today.
I opened my notebook ready to take notes.

(D:BH) Simon x Markus OneShots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant