One Sided Love

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I was just helping other androids, giving them blue blood and biocomponents. They smiled and thanked me as they either drank the blue blood or if I helped them put a new component on them. I got flustered when they'd hold my hands and wish me a good life, other than theirs.
"It's nothing really." I said to a YX500.
"You helped us," They told me. "the least we can do is thank you." I smiled and nodded, soon hearing a familiar voice. The YX500 let go of my hands and drank some blue blood as I ran off to walk with him. I've admired Markus since he came to Jericho, I've admired him so much I've felt this emotion of fondness towards him.
"Markus!" I called, and saw him turn around. His smiled grew when he saw me and turned fully to wave to me. "The androids you've saved are working well again. They're drinking enough blue blood and the parts have fit them. Some won't make it though."
"Well, they'll be fighting." Markus put a hand on my shoulder. "For our cause for freedom of androids." I nodded and walked with him to his favourite place on Jericho. You could see the sun rising from here. I watched as Markus went onto a metal plank and walked all the way to the end, feeling the cool breeze.
"Markus-" North entered and saw me. "Oh, Hey Simon. Could I talk with Markus alone?" I nodded and left the room, heading back down to help other androids.
I looked behind me to see Simon leaving and North enter with a stern look.
"Markus, I think our next plan for our freedom is to-" I held up a hand to stop her talking. I walked back and off the plank.
"Thanks North, but I already had an idea." She opened her mouth to say something but closed it. Taking a breath I turned to face her. "Do you have something on your mind?"
"Yes, actually." She answered. "What was your life before Jericho?" I remembered Leo, him telling me horrible things, that he was going to destroy me, I just did nothing. Then Carl...he...he died. Right in my arms.
"It's...It's not important." I told her holding back my tears.
"A...Alright." She said sadly. I began walking back out, passing by her. I went downstairs to where everyone was and felt the tears fall down my face.
"Markus...?" I heard Simon's voice question. I looked over to see him tending to a broken down android who looked about to shut down. "Are you alright?" I wiped my tears and nodded, bending down to the android.
"M...Markus...our...rA9..." the young women said, weakly smiling. I held her hand, seeing that the synthetic skin had disappeared. Her head was bashed, her body broken piece by piece. She was bleeding non stop.
"I'm sorry you couldn't hold on." I said to her.
"It's...alright..." She answered calmly. "Simon here...he was so kind...he this whole time..." I smiled and looked over at Simon who was blushing a bit from embarrassment.
"May you rest well." I told her as I kissed the top of her hand.
"And may...our cause...thrive..." I could hear her voice start to change indicating she was shutting down. "Goodbye...Markus..." Her eyes shut fully, as I put her arm down with her.
"She was strong." Simon commented. "Her name was Isabella. I took care of her the first day I came to Jericho." I took his hand and turned him to look at me.
"Simon, you know she wouldn't have wanted you to be sad." I told him calmly, staring into his crystal blue eyes which were filled with tears. He sniffed and nodded.
I noticed North running, and hearing her crying like mad. She covered her eyes, but her sobs were too horrible to bare. I took her in my arms and ran my hands through her hair as she clutched onto my jacket, crying like no tomorrow.
"What happened?" I asked. She couldn't speak, I took one of her arms and connected to her. I saw what she saw. It was Josh. I yanked my arm away from hers and noticed that her crying turned into sobs. "Josh..."
"He's gone." I held my head and shook it regaining my composure.
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I looked at everyone and said that everything was alright, we just lost someone. They went silent and then slowly grew back into chatter. I took North with me upstairs and hugged her tight, Josh was her close friend.
"I'm sorry he's gone North." I whispered to her. Her breathing was heavy, her sobs were quiet yet noticeable. I rubbed her back, to help calm her down. We pulled away from the hug, and North leaned closer to me. Suddenly,
I felt her lips on mine...
Simon (three weeks later)
I noticed how close Markus and North now were. They were together, and I didn't say anything. I felt happy for them but...something else, made me feel hatred and sadness.
They held hands, hugged closer and longer, they kissed, connected. Everything just drove me crazy. They were I felt love for Markus, but I was too late.
"Markus!" I called happily then saw North and gulped.
"Yes Simon?" He questioned as I looked at their intertwined hands.
"N...Nothing. I'm sorry." I said and ran off. I hid behind some boxes, filled with blue blood or biocomponents.
"Simon." I looked up and saw Lucy. Her beautiful eyes stared down at me with concern. I wiped away my tears and looked away from her gaze. "What's wrong?"
"It's...just Markus and North." I told her gripping onto my sleeves. "I've felt something for Markus and now I can't do anything."
"You can do a lot of things." She spoke. "You could tell him, get to know him better, or just leave them be. But something tells me you have doubts." I nodded and buried my face into my knees.
"They're just so happy together." I mumbled. "After Josh...they just clicked." I felt her put a hand on my shoulder which made me look up at her. With loneliness, and doubt.
"Your still their friend. They'll understand." She smiled and helped me up.
"Simon!" I heard Markus call. "Simon! Where are you!?"
"Go to him." She whispered and walked off with other androids. I walked out from behind the boxes and saw him run over to me. He saw my face and his face went to concerning.
"Hi Markus." I forced a smile.
"Are you alright?" He asked. I glanced at Lucy and saw he nod.
"No, I'm not." I told him truthfully. I took a deep breath and held out my hand. "Connect with me, I can't say it." He hesitantly took my hand and we watched as our synthetic skin fade away.
My mind was filled with 'I love you', 'I'm sorry', 'I'm happy for you and her.' His mind filled with emotions on saying I'm a friend and how much he didn't know about North. He knew about me more than her.
I watched a memory play, it was him, an old man, and a young man. They were yelling. The young man pushed Markus, he didn't do anything. Then he's crying, holding the elder as he died in his arms. I took my hand away and looked at him.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.
"I'm so sorry!" I ran off and leaving Jericho, tripping, stumbling, and getting back up. I couldn't believe I did that. "I'm so stupid!" I punched a nearby wall, making my knuckles bleed. I fell to my knees and cried. It's what I do best anyway, cry. I'm just a big crybaby.
"SIMON!" It was Markus. I got up and started running again, I climbed over a fence, falling onto my face. It hurt but I didn't care. I heard footsteps get closer to me, until...
I stopped running. I looked down and saw I'd been shot. Errors, and timers popped up in my vision. Then 'Shutting Down in 1:10'.
This can't be happening. I fell backwards onto the ground and felt my heartbeat getting worse, and worse. Thirium covered my hand and body.
"Simon," Markus held me up on his lap caressing my cheek. "don't let this happen again. Please." I saw a police officer come closer to us, then Markus glared up at him. "Stay back! Don't touch him!" The officer nodded and moved away from us.
"Mar...Markus..." I mumbled weakly.
"Don't leave me, Simon." He cried. "Okay? Okay, please don't go. Don't leave..." I raised my hand and caressed his cheek, smiling weakly. "Please...I love you..."
"I'm...sorry..." I said. " you too..." Markus leaned down and brought me in for a quick kiss. I saw my shut down timer almost at an end. I smiled at him, soon losing my vision.
I didn't want this to happen again. He didn't do anything. I didn't do anything, I saw his glances, I saw his emotions, but I didn't believe it.
"I'm so sorry, Simon." I watched as his eyes went blank with colour. No shine was left. I lost him, just how I lost Carl.
"Get up." The officer ordered.
"He didn't do anything wrong. Yet you shot him." I smiled and looked at the officer, feeling more tears run down my face. I let go of Simon and laid beside him on the ground. I went to my heart pump and took it out, then threw it away from me. "Go ahead. Shoot me. At least I'll be with him." I took Simon's hand and closed my eyes, then nothingness.

(D:BH) Simon x Markus OneShots Where stories live. Discover now