Hanahaki Disease

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Hanahaki disease. Where flowers grow on your flesh and in your lungs when the person you love, doesn't love you back...

I walked around Jericho lonely as ever. Wanting at least something to happen.
"Simon!" I look behind me and see Markus running up to me. I smiled and waved at him. "Can you help me?"
"Yeah, What is it?" I questioned eagerly. I've admired Markus, and this feeling inside me makes thi rum pump to my face.
"I think...I think I love North." My eyes widen and I feel my face drain. My smile disappears and my hands fall to my sides.
"Y...You do?" I said trying to hide my sadness. "Yeah, I...I'll help you."
"Really? Thank you Simon!" He hugged me and soon ran off. I slowly walk down to the centre of Jericho. I notice Josh and North talking to each other and I quickly disperse away from them.
"Simon!" Josh calls. I stop in my tracks and head over to the pair.
"Hey..." I greet. "North, do you have feelings for Markus?" Her eyes widen and her faces fills with colour.
"W...Well I um...yes..." She stutters and plays with her hair.
"I'm pretty sure Markus does too." I told her with an emotionless tone and facial expression. Her face beams and quickly runs off to find out leader.
"Are you okay Simon?" Josh asks. "You don't look like yourself." I hang my head and walk away from him. I find a hidden place and feel myself start to choke and cough, I cover my mouth and feel the coughs get worse. I look at my hand and see thirium and blue flower petals. It began growing on my hands as well, making the thirium flow out of both my hands and mouth.
"N...No..." I mumbled between coughs. I stumbled back and see North and Markus holding hands, their synthetic skin disappearing connecting the both of them. I smiled but then frowned as I began to cough and choke once more. "I...I'm sorry...Markus..."
It got worse, and worse. I couldn't breath, I couldn't function correctly. It hurt too much. I want it to stop. Just make it stop! STOP!
Soon I felt myself shut down, as I fell to the floor. Flowers were stuck in my mouth and thirium covered the floor, my hands, and dropped down from my mouth. I closed my eyes and shut down completely.

(D:BH) Simon x Markus OneShots Where stories live. Discover now