Christmas Date- Human AU

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Markus and I were just getting ready for Daniel to come over for Christmas. My parents were busy today, so they couldn't come. Daniel said he was bringing someone with him, so we're just getting snacks and a movie prepared for our nice Christmas evening.
"Markus!" I called as I was fixing the tree lights.
"Yeah babe?" He called back as I hear a loud clang.
"Do you know where the decorations are?" I asked him.
"Um, I think they're downstairs." He said as he emerged from the kitchen rubbing his arm. "I'll get them for you." I nodded and soon heard a knock at the door. I ran off to the front door and opened it, seeing my brother in a cute Christmas sweater saying 'Danny' on it. I looked behind him to see Conner. I was shocked to see him here on Christmas.
"Conner? What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Simon, he's um...he's my boyfriend." I stood at the doorway for a moment, processing what Daniel had just told me. I looked at them and saw him hold Conner's hand. I opened my mouth but no words came out but just a high pitched scream.
I heard a thump and looked behind me to see Markus on the floor.
"Simon! What's the matter!?" He yelled and held me close. "Oh, Daniel and...Conner?"
"Yep." Conner said calmly. Markus looked down and saw them holding hands and screamed as well. "Is it that surprising?"
"Yes! I never thought my brother would find someone!" Daniel whacked me on the head with an angry look. I smiled and rubbed my head as he rolled his eyes and took Conner into the living room.
"I'll go get the decorations." Markus told me, placing a kiss on my forehead then headed back downstairs. I went back into the living room and sat down on a separate couch, from Conner and Daniel.
"So how'd you two get together?" I asked happily. They looked at each and Conner turned to talk with a big smile on his face.
"Well it seemed Danny here had a crush on me for a while." Conner smirked. "Since highschool." I stared at Daniel in awe since he never told me this. But I can't blame him, I didn't tell him about me and Markus until after his party night. "So now he's mine to keep." Markus soon returned with a giant box in his arms. I got up and helped him take the box into the living room near the tree.
"Thanks Markus." I said.
"Your welcome, Si." He smiled and sat down on the opposite couch as I opened the box full of decorations. I took out a smaller box which kept the ornaments and opened it up, seeing all different colours, shapes, and sizes. I took one that had a picture of me and Markus on our first Christmas Eve, just the two of us, having tea in our pajamas, and him kissing my cheek as he took the photo. I smiled and hung it near the top of the tree, then took out a few more of my parents, Markus's parents, me and Daniel, North and Chloe, Josh and Nines with Gavin from highschool. He was their coach, must've been in his twenty's.
I hung the rest of the ornaments, then fixed the lights and tinsel. I took out the star and soon Daniel snatched it away from me.
"Hey!" I giggled as he held it above his head to keep it away from me. "Okay Daniel. You can put the star on top." He looked surprised and smiled then went over to the tree. He was close to my height so he was still short, as he couldn't reach the top of the tree.
I saw Conner get up then pick Daniel up by his waist and held him by his legs.
"Conner!" Daniel shrieked almost falling over. I sat down beside Markus, holding his hand in a loving way, rubbing his knuckles as I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder.
As Simon held my hand I watched Daniel and Conner act like a real couple. I noticed the back of Conner's sweater. I smiled as it said 'Detroit Police'. Conner became a police officer after he finished collage, he's been a great police officer actually.
"Now you can put the star on top Daniel." Conner smiled sweetly.
"Fine." Daniel then put the star on Conner's head. "There."
"Danny, I'm not the tree." Conner giggled. Daniel smiled and took the star off his head then kissed him.
"I know, but your a star." Daniel told him as they pulled away.
"Just put the star on the tree." I said making them both blush and look away from each other. Daniel put the star on top then held onto Conner as he brought him to the opposite couch. Simon giggled a bit listening to them bicker about what had just happened.
"I remember when you bickered with me." I whispered to him, seeing the blush rise to his cheeks. "It was cute how you'd pout like a child."
"Do you want me to leave?" He questioned in an annoyed tone. I laughed nervously and ruffled his hair.
"I'm sorry." I told him hiding my face against his shoulder.
"That's what I thought." He laughed and held me close. "Hey Conner, want to put a movie on?" I looked up and saw Conner nod, then get up to put a movie in. Picking out a nice Christmas movie and put it in the DVD player, as I grabbed the remote, pressing play. Simon snuggled up close to my chest as we watched the old movie.
"Hey Markus." I hummed in response taking a peek to look at his face, which was smiling warmly with tired eyes. "I love you." I laughed a bit and kissed his head wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"I love you too Simon." I whispered to him as he slowly closed his eyes. I looked over at Daniel and Conner, and saw them snuggled up together, Conner kissing his head from time to time, and saw their hands intertwined. It took them long enough.

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