Soulmate AU

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Requested by Stayy_Goldd
When you have a soulmate, it's like...this happy feeling in your body. You see a red string that only you and your soulmate can see. Everyone had one...everyone...but me. It's been that way since I was in kindergarten. People never included me once I told them, or sometimes I'd lie saying I had one. But deep down, I was never happy.
My college days were coming near, and I was getting into an art major (I don't know that much about college). My dad was happy I at least had something to do, and not confused on what I actually wanted to do. After I said goodbye, I was off to my new life in college.
I sighed as I got my key to my dorm room, and opened the door.
"Oh Hello!" A light skinned male said happily. His hair was slightly wavy, but short and he had a few freckles barely noticeable. "I'm Connor Anderson. Nice to meet you." He held out a hand and I shook it after letting go of my suit case.
"Markus Manfred." I said greeting him with a smile. "Nice to meet you too."
"So um, would you like to choose which side you want?" He asked scratching the back of his head.
"No, you choose." I told him calmly. He nodded and chose his side as I went over to mine and left my bags at the end of my bed. I decided to check my Instagram. I grabbed my phone, unlocked it and went on Instagram. I saw a new message and thought I'd check it out, it might be Josh anyway. I saw different username.
~HomoHellModel~ sent a message
I opened it and there held a whole paragraph, gushing out words about my artwork and music covers and my own work.
I'm sorry to bother you, but I just really love your work! I've only just started seeing it and I'm in love. Just the way you paint is just so amazing and freehanded. You look extremely calm while I'm here doing a shit model Instagram and I'm nervous AF. I'm sorry I'm fanboying, I just wanted to say that it's amazing!
My eyes widened and I didn't know whether to text him back or leave it alone. I decided to show Connor and ask for his opinion on this.
"Seems this guy really likes your work. Text him, maybe you'll gain an internet friend." He said truthfully. I smiled and nodded, then thought about what to text the guy. I don't think I should be too blunt or too nice.
Hey, I'm glad you like my work! Normally no one really says anything like this about it besides my dad. I really like your modelling as well, even though I just looked at them once you texted me. Anyway, if you'd like we could keep texting?? Just a suggestion
I sent it and laid happily on my bed. But soon after I laid down, my phone got a notification. I looked at it and saw another text from that guy.
I quickly opened the message and there it was, it made me smile.
Ohh my god! Oh my god! I didn't know you'd reply to me! I'm freaking out!
Holy shit!
My brother is wondering what's wrong XD
I'm sorry, sorry, sorry! I'm just...fuck! This is awesome!
Yes I'd really like to keep talking, if it's fine with you.
He seems really nervous. It made me laugh a bit at his blabbering, I have to say it was kinda...cute.
"Having fun there? You seem really happy." Connor said putting on a sweater that said 'Detroit Police'. I nodded and kept texting to this amazing and funny guy.
This went on for a while, and past my first year of college. Connor and I got really close as well and we both decided that I should meet up with this guy. Yeah I still don't know his name, he never told me and I never told him.
Hey! I just had the best idea, we should meet up! Only if you want that is...
I was a little nervous...okay, maybe a lot nervous. I didn't know if he wanted to or not, and to see him would make my life amazing! I waited and waited for hours. I was starting to think he didn't want to talk to me anymore.
I should never have ask him. I threw my phone onto the opposite end of my bed as I buried my face in my pillow. Soon enough I heard the door open and a quiet laugh.
"So your moping once again." It was Connor.
"I asked him if he wanted to meet. He hasn't answered me in hours." I said loudly through the pillow. I brought my knees up a little, wanting to cry. "I don't know what to do." I felt a weight on my bed, knowing it was Connor who sat down next to my depressed body. He began rubbing my back as I felt the tears pour, and onto the pillow.
"I know. It's hard." He told me in a calming voice. "But you'll find someone." He took his hand away and it was silent for a moment besides my sobbing. "Hey, he texted back. Here." I shot up and took my phone from his hands looking at the notification. I unlocked my phone and saw his answer,
I'd love to meet you! I'm sorry I never got to you sooner, my brother was being a prick talking me I should get off my phone.
But yes! I would love to! It'd be the best thing in my whole life!
I smiled and suddenly I felt something. I looked on my hand and there it was, the red string appeared on my finger and out the window.
Did a red string just appear on your finger?
I asked him and he instantly replied.
YES! Are you my soulmate??
I guess so! This is amazing! I've never had the red string
Me neither!
I held my phone happily and looked at Connor who was side smiling at me. I told him and he grabbed my hands with a huge smile, saying how happy he was for me.

We decided that he would come to Detroit, my home town. I waited hastily for him to arrive, to see the beautiful golden blonde hair. I looked down at my phone at the time, and then looked at my string.
"What if...he doesn't come." I asked myself. I closed my eyes, and suddenly felt a tug on my string which made my eyes shoot open. I looked up and saw him, pushing through the crowd. Tears filled my eyes and he finally got through, seeing me.
"Markus?" He questioned, tears falling down his cheeks.
"S...Simon." I said smiling while tears fell down. He let go of his suit case and ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my neck. "Your way more beautiful in person." He giggled and nuzzled his face into my neck.
"Shut up you shorty." He said, his sobs quiet. I laughed and hugged him tighter never wanting to let go. "I've wanted to do this for so long." He broke away from the hug, and kissed me. His soft lips connecting with mine, was complete heaven.
More tears fell down my cheeks as we kissed. He pulled away and stared into my eyes with his crystal blue orbs.
"I love you." I told him.
"I love you too,"
(This is so cute! This actually reminded me of me and my lover, Stayy_Goldd
I love you sweetheart!❤️❤️)

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