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I stood near the fire, holding what was once the gracious and most romantic letters I've ever gotten. But they were nothing to me now, for what he did, for what I had to go through. I heard footsteps behind me, and knew exactly who it was.
"Simon." His voice sounded like poison to me. It intoxicated my heart, as I felt myself choke of words.
"Do you know what North said?" I said feeling small tears run down my face as I kept looking down at the letters, with his writing. I felt myself smile as I watched the fire dance. "When I told her what you'd done?" He said nothing, which made me feel even more horrible for marrying this man.
I turned and saw him reach his hand out and take a few steps towards me, before I slapped his hand away from me, glaring daggers at him.
"Don't come near me." I hissed. His eyes filled with tears, as I spoke those words. "I thought you loved me, you said that I was yours." Big heavy tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision. "She told me, you've married an icarus. He's flown too close to the sun." I couldn't help but feel those tears fall down my cheeks and onto the letters I'd kept all those years I spent with him, just to be manipulated and used. "I've been re-reading your letters you sent me, all those years back. What are they to you now?" I asked him raising my voice. He backed away saying nothing. "Just as I thought, they're just words to seduce me, and capture me into your little web." I turned back to the fire as it crackled and popped with the flames blazing.
"Now guess what," I said still staring at the flames with teary eyes. "I'm watching them burn." I threw all the letters into the fire, seeing them turn black and then disappear into the fire. I couldn't stop crying, I couldn't believe that he did this. I took out the one letter, that he had hid. The one he thought I would never find.
"You see this? You let the whole world read about it!" I yelled at him showing the letter. "Saying how you brought this man into our bed, and had an affair with him while I was gone!" I turned away from him once more, and feel to my knees as I re-read the letter over and over. Every word piercing into my heart as it broke me down, knowing how my husband slept with another man. "What will your children think? How you put so much pain into our family all because of what you wanted to do."
"Simon please, I'm sorry..." I crumpled the letter in one hand and gritted my teeth.
"SHUT UP!" I cried, running a hand through my hair. "You've never been sorry. I've seen how you look at North, and how you charm every woman or man around you." I threw the last letter into the roaring fire, watching it burn and crumple into the flames as my tears never stopped.
"I hope your happy." I growled, hugging myself. "Now don't even think of trying to talk your way back." I wiped away my tears and sniffed.
"You never loved me, and you never will."

(D:BH) Simon x Markus OneShots Where stories live. Discover now