Chapter 13 - Nightmare

Start from the beginning

I couldn't fight her after that. I couldn't bring myself to fight the girl who held such vivid emotions in her eyes – emotions that resonated with the true feelings I had inside. How I missed my brother, how I missed the days of peace and joy, how I lived with a burden so heavy that it suffocated me – she had seen them through the walls I had erected around myself. Now, because of her and her useless chatter, I had lost focus. I was sloppy when I fought a State Alchemist two days ago and it had resulted in these hindering wounds and a sore right arm.

No matter how much I disliked her now, the wrenching feeling in my heart didn't sync with the rational thoughts in my mind. I couldn't help but feel the need to see that girl again, Kiana Sojuro, perhaps talk to her and see the honest empathy she had for me once again.

I closed my eyes with a deep sigh. I was being foolish and unreasonable. It was because of these irrational and rather nonsensical thoughts that I had pushed on in my tattered state and come here to East City. I hadn't seen Kiana on my way here from the train station and surprisingly enough, I was mildly disappointed.

I tensed momentarily when I heard a sudden scuffing noise just a little away from where I sat. In the midst of thinking, I had become so lost in thought that I was no longer aware of my surroundings.

I cursed under my breath for being careless and readied my hand to attack whoever it was who had come here but I relaxed upon seeing a dog. He was skinny but held curiosity in his marble like eyes. I leaned back against the wall again and held my hand out, as if calling the dog to me. He trotted to me slowly, cautiously, but wagged his tail when he received ruffles. He whined and growled and sat down next to me with his head on my thigh.

I would think an hour passed in this silence, in the midst of which the dog had fallen asleep. I had rested enough and so I got up, leaving the whimpering dog behind, and I had set off to search for Kiana. I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to her or merely watch her from the distance for now to judge her character before I did something unnecessary. Perhaps she was merely tricking me when she spoke to me that day, trying to create an opening or weak spot where she could strike. She didn't seem like one who would be two faced but I trusted no one from the military – I would not be fooled by wolves in sheep skin.

I walked through the streets, avoiding the military and making use of the dark alleys every now and then. After about ten minutes, I made it to the market I had walked through before. I looked at the vegetables and fruits on display on either side of me and also at the clothes and other things normal people would show interest in. I looked ahead for a moment and narrowed my eyes as I spotted Kiana and her Chimera partner. They were looking through some groceries, though had a basket in hand filled with some vegetables and fruits already. Judging from the quantity, they were probably going to be staying in East City for a while. Well, it was understandable, considering the wounds she had suffered when trying to protect the Chimera from debris that flew at him because of my escaping attack.

But something told me that she could have easily avoided it.

"Are you sure you can carry that yourself? We can split the groceries." The Chimera said while eying the basket in her hands.

"I'm fine carrying it, Kyran. Stop worrying." She said with a light laugh that lit up her eyes. "You know that I'm tough and these wounds don't really bother me. Besides, you're in worse shape than me. You should just enjoy being pampered now."

"I guess....but I feel bad knowing that you got hurt because you protected me from Scar's attack." He pointed and Kiana merely rolled her eyes with an amused smile.

"Don't feel bad over something so silly. I wanted to protect you, Kyran, just as you would wish to protect me if I'm in any danger. Now help me pick out some good potatoes. You remember how to pick them, right?" Kiana changed the topic and it lightened Kyran's mood.

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