"Am I disturbing something?" The tone she used irked [Y/n].

She turned to walk out when the girl entered. "Would you like to join me for something to eat, Tadashi-san?" She stopped by his desk, pitying him once she saw the dark circles under his eyes.

"I don't think the boss would appreciate me going with his fiancee."

Her bitter word broke through the facade she's put up since the day her mother burnt the acceptance letter. "He doesn't seem to appreciate me now. I doubt that he'll do so later on." His face fell. No one would ever expect someone as happy as [Y/n] to say something so . . . straightforward. She patted his shoulder.

"I believe in you, Tadashi-san."

She never said goodbye to her colleges. It was always some sort of encouragement and uplifting words.

Said in a lighter tone unlike now.


Taking her time lost in her own world and walking aimlessly around, she herself was surprised to find herself in Shinjuku when it was three stations away from their building. She finally took her earphones and felt hunger. Looking around the restaurants she failed to notice the group rowdy music performers with their encased instruments coming her way.

"I'm very sorry about that." Came a man's voice when she almost fell back from the impact of someone's shoulder hitting hers. Dazed she only nodded it was too late to ask him for his name. She stared at his back.

Her spirits were and still was in no mood to talk with people. The judgemental and pitiful glances people from tables threw at her only upset her more. Somehow when her order arrived, she brought up her coffee up to her nose. Inhaling its scent relaxed her. Still lost in her own world she didn't expect to see a stoic gaze staring right at her. She brought her coffee mug down, embarrassed.

"Your ring slipped out of your finger when my band bumped into you." He dropped the ring onto her table from his closed fist.

'So he was the one who apologized earlier.' He took her silence as a sign that she didn't understand his sorry excuse of Japanese.

"Your ring . . . no steal from you." He explained again, emphasizing each word.

Giggling, [Y/n] waved her hand. "I can speak English." She wore her ring around her finger. "Thank you very much."

She took in his appearance. Black tuxedo, bowtie, and hair slicked back. She noticed his baton. "You're a musician. Are you here in Japan for a show?"

"I'm a classical and jazz musician."

"I see."

"I'm Levi."He pushed forward a ticket to his show. "This is the only one left."

"Why would you . . . ?"

"You seem to be a woman letting the days pass by. Take a break for a while."

"Jazz isn't my forte, I refuse to accept this." Lying again, she pushed his ticket back.

Levi stood up, pulling on his trench coat. "If you change your mind, you'll have a ticket with you. À bientôt"

"Au revoir Monsieur Levi.Ah! Je m'appelle [Y/n]. Je parle Francaise . . . well kinda."

"I see." He smiled. "Well, it's goodbye for now Mademoiselle."


"Daiki seems to have taken a liking to her, hasn't he, Tadashi-san?" [Y/n] crossed her legs, watching them exchange compliments with bitterness in her eyes. Her parents laughed, dismissing the poor secretary with a wave of their hand.

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