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Thank you for reading my book, seeing that this reached 101k makes me want to take a longer break so I can sharpen my skills.

So that in the remaining chapters of this book is nothing but quality stories.

It was only a month after 16 back in 2017 when I thought of putting myself and my stories out there, but really knowing that it'd benefit me in more ways than one.  This book has seen me grow and was with me at the time when I was preparing for a new chapter in my life.

And for that I am more than thankful❤

Most of the stories here have been pulled from a real life experience, umbrella boy from my first year of uni and minor inconveniences was inspired by my parents' relationship

//why does it sound so emotional?? Like?

If you've read till here well //does a whip *get it guess// tell me about yourself and what's been your favourite story/ chapter/moment /line

(You can also ask me questions, if youd like)

This isn't a goodbye, even when we know that I'll come out with a chapter like that one day but a big THANK YOU for helping me reach something I always thought was wishful thinking.

This is Nick 😄

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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